Spark RDD Fundamentals

Written on 2019-02-15

This post provides a high-level introduction to the RDD object in the Spark API. In the coming posts, we'll dive deeper into more generic objects in the Spark API. Then, we'll explore low-level concepts, including the Spark internals.

Table of Contents

Resilient Distributed Datasets

Most likely, we've all worked with pandas DataFrames before. They're in-memory, single-server data structures that offer many user-friendly functions for data processing. Functionally, Spark provides a data structure that is very similar in this sense, but can be used across multiple servers. This data structure is called a resilient distributed dataset, or an RDD for short. In short, an RDD is an in-memory data structure that is distributed across many servers within a Spark cluster.

Roughly, we can think of an RDD as a distributed version of a pandas DataFrame. I'm making this comparison because RDDs offer many pandas-like functions that are focused around data processing. These functions are called Transformations and Actions. Specifically, transformations create a new dataset from an existing one. Contrastingly, actions return non-dataset values, which generally relate to some aggregation.

diagram of rdd to transf to action

Transformations are lazy. Meaning, an RDD isn't computed until it receives an action. Actions always return values to the driver program. Spark receives a performance boost from any lazy evaluations. However, this could become a problem if users continuously recompute that same transformation. As a result, Spark allows us to persist an RDD to memory using the persist method. To summarize, transformations and actions have the following properties:

  • Transformations are lazy by default
  • Actions aren't lazy
  • Transformations return a new RDD
  • Actions return an aggregated value of the RDD

As stated previously, an RDD receives a huge boost in performance by keeping data in memory. However, Spark supports data persistance to disk as well. Spark also supports data persistence to databases. To summarize, an RDD has the following properties:

  • Distributed
  • Fault-tolerant
  • Flexible functions such as map(func)
  • Optionally in-memory on the Driver's JVM
  • Parallelizable using sc.parallelize(data)
  • Immutable (more on this later)

Defining a DAGScheduler

Recall, a transformation is a type of special RDD method that returns another RDD object. Again, these methods aren't computed until the RDD receives an action, indicating that RDD objects are immutable. Since RDD objects can't change once they are created, Spark creates a new object called a DAG when an action is called. In a DAG, each node is an RDD partition, and an edge is a transformation.

Spark breaks the RDD into smaller chunks of data called partitions. In Spark, a partition is a chunk of data on a node within the cluster. At a high level, Spark breaks transformations and actions into Tasks, which are mapped to partitions. Essentially, a Task represents a unit of work on a partition of a distributed dataset.

Assuming nonsequential dependence, Tasks are executed in parallel on partitions. Thus, the number of partitions made up by an RDD should equal the number of CPU cores within a cluster. Theoretically, increasing the number of partitions would increase the amount of parallelism for a system, assuming there are available CPU cores. If an RDD can't fit an entire set of data into memory, then that data will be stored to and read from disk.

Now, let's return to our previous discussion about the DAG object. When an action is called, each DAG is submitted to a DAGScheduler object for execution. A DAGScheduler organizes operations into Stages, and a Stage is organized into Tasks. Each Task is scheduled separately. It represents a unit of work on a partition of an RDD, and is executed as a thread in an executor's JVM. The DAGScheduler returns a TaskSet object, which is passed to a TaskScheduler. The TaskScheduler launches tasks in the a cluster manager.


Multiple tasks can be executed in parallel for any stage. Specifically, any two stages can be executed in parallel if they aren't sequentially dependent on each other. Implying, tasks from one stage can be executed in parallel with tasks from a separate stage, if they aren't sequentially dependent on each other. Refer to this post for an illustration of how Tasks and stages run in parallel.

The number of tasks is equal to the number of partitions. The number of stages is equal to the number of wide transformations. For examples that may help illustrate these concepts, refer to my next post.

Types of Transformations

There are two types of transformations that can be applied to RDDs: narrow transformations and wide transformations. Narrow transformations refer to transformations where each partition contributes to one stage only. These include transformations like map, filter, etc. Wide transformations refer to transformations where each partition contributes to many stages. In Spark, this concept is called shuffling.

Shuffling is used for regrouping data between partitions. Shuffling is necessary for situations requiring information from each partition. Wider transformations are more expensive than narrow transformations in comparison. For example, the map transformation doesn't require shuffling, since it applies element-wise transformations to each partition. This technique is called pipelining. In other words, an element in one partition doesn't need any information from other partitions. On the other hand, the groupByKey wide transformation needs information from each partition. Specifically, a narrow transformation keeps its results in memory, whereas a wide transformation writes its results to disk. This post defines optimized shuffling algorithms in detail.


Lifecycle of a Spark Program

Now, we have a high-level level understanding of the core Spark data structures. This lecture defines the lifecycle of a Spark program in detail. Generally, a common lifecycle of a spark program looks like the following:

  1. Create some input RDDs from external data
  2. Lazily transform them to define new RDDs using transformations
  3. Ask Spark to cache() any intermediate RDDs that will be reused
  4. Launch actions to start parallel computation
  5. Spark optimizes and executes its computations

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