Device Drivers

Describing Device Drivers

  • A device driver refers to software
  • It is used for the following reasons:

    • Monitoring devices attached to a computer
    • Informing the system of any operations performed
  • In other words, a driver is a translator between a hardware device and any application

Describing Device Controllers

  • A device controller refers to physical hardware
  • It is used for handling incoming and outgoing CPU signals
  • For example:

    • Every device is connected to a computer via plug
    • The plug is connected to a device controller
  • A device controller is used for the following:

    • Converts a serial bit stream to a block of bytes
    • Performs error correction as required
  • All controllers are connected to the CPU via the common bus

Illustrating Device Controllers

  • The memory is connected to a memory controller
  • The monitor is connected to a video controller
  • The keyboard is connected to a keyboard controller
  • The disk drive is connected to a disk controller
  • The USB drive is connected to a USB controller

Defining the Life Cycle of Device Controllers

  1. A device controller receives data from a connected device
  2. The device controller stores that data temporarily

    • It is stored in a special purpose register
    • This registed is called a local buffer
    • Implying, the local buffer is inside the controller
  3. The device controler interprets the signal for the device driver
  4. The device driver receives the interpreted signal




Operating Systems