
Describing Apache Spark

  • Spark is a distributed computing engine
  • Its performance boost mostly comes from Spark storing data in memory
  • Spark is run on server-side clusters
  • It provides high-level APIs in:

    • Java
    • Scala
    • Python
    • R
  • We are able to run Spark on server-side clusters

Describing Higher-Level APIs in Spark

  • Spark also supports higher-level APIs:

    • Spark SQL
    • MLlib
    • GraphX
    • Spark Streaming
  • Spark SQL is used for SQL and structured data processing
  • MLlib is used for machine learning
  • GraphX is used for graph processing
  • Spark Streaming is used for streaming data

Describing Features of Spark SQL

  • Integrates querying inside Spark programs
>>> # Mix SQL queries with DataFrame API
>>> results = spark.sql('SELECT * FROM people')
>>> names = p:
  • Connects to any data source the same way
>>> # Uniform data access with DataFrame API
>>> results = spark.sql('SELECT * FROM people JOIN json')
  • Integrates with Hive


  • Connects through JDBC or ODBC


Motivating the Comparison between Hive and Spark

  • Consider two types of tools used in Hadoop:

    • Execution engines
    • Query optimizers
  • These are both individual software frameworks
  • An execution engine is required in Hadoop
  • A query optimizer is optional
  • An execution engine processes jobs related to the data
  • A query optimizer optimizes queries before they are processed

    • Sometimes, they optimize queries during processing too

Comparing Apache Hive and Spark

  • Hive is mostly referred to as a query optimizer

    • This is because Hive is essentially a metastore
  • Spark is mostly referred to as an execution engine
  • Hive uses MapReduce as its execution engine by default
  • Spark uses its own execution engine

    • It is an alternative of MapReduce
  • Spark offers query optimizers as well

    • It uses catalyst optimizers
    • This uses rule-based and cost-based optimization
  • Spark and Hive can be used together
  • Specifically, we can include:

    • HDFS as our storage layer
    • Hive's metastore for query optimization
    • Spark's query optimization
    • Either Spark or MapReduce as an execution engine

Describing Features of MLlib

  • Again, MLlib is the machine learning API in Spark
  • It supports Java, Scala, Python, and R
  • MLlib provides functions for:

    • Kmeans
    • LogisticRegression
    • etc.
  • This allows data scientists to:

    • Perform clustering
    • Perform classification
    • Transform data
    • Process data
    • Run algorithms
  • Specifically, these algorithms are run nearly 100100 times faster than MapReduce jobs
  • MLlib supports Java, Scala, Python, and R APIs

Describing Features of Spark Streaming

  • MLlib is used for writing streamed jobs the same way as writing batch jobs
  • Streamed jobs are processed in real-time
  • Spark Streaming can read data from:

    • HDFS
    • Flume
    • Kafka
    • Twitter
    • Custom data sources
  • It uses ZooKeeper and HDFS for deploying streaming applications
  • Spark Streaming supports Java, Scala, Python, and R APIs

Describing Features of GraphX

  • GraphX is used for performing graph-parallel computation to display and work with graphics
  • It unifies the following within a single API:

    • ETL
    • Exploratory analysis
    • Iterative graph computations
  • It allows data to be viewed as graphs and collections
  • Collections are transformed and joined graphs
  • It offers integration with the Pregal API
  • It offers comparable performance to the fastest specialized graph processing systems
  • These include GraphLab and Giraph

Defining Resilient Distributed Datasets

  • Spark revolves around resilient distributed datasets (RDD)
  • These are a fault-tolerant collection of elements that can be operated in parallel
  • There are two ways of creating RDDs:

    1. Parallelizing an existing collection in the driver program
    2. Referencing a dataset in an external storage system
  • External storage systems include:

    • HDFS
    • HBase
    • Other data sources offering a Hadoop InputFormat

Benefits of Spark over MapReduce

  • Spark executes much faster by saving data in memory
  • This happens across multiple parallel operations
  • On the other hand, MapReduce reads and writes from disk
  • Spark runs multi-threaded tasks inside of JVM processes
  • MapReduce runs heavy-weight tasks inside of JVM processes
  • As a result, this gives Spark the following boost:

    • Faster startup
    • Efficient parallelism
    • Better CPI utilization
  • Spark provides a richer functional programming model
  • MapReduce doesn't do this
  • Spark is especially useful for parallel processing of distributed data with iterative algorithms


