
Describing Bootstrap

  • The bootstrap principle is an application of the Monte Carlo principle
  • We can use the sampling distribution of estimators to deal with uncertainty in parameters and functions
  • If we know the underlying distribution for each of our parameters, then we can determine our standard errors for our estimators
  • The standard error of an estimator is the standard deviation of its sampling distribution or an estimate of that standard deviation
  • In other words, a standard error roughly measures the amount of sampling error

The Bootstrap Principle

  • In order to get accurate estimates of our standard error, we can simulate the data replication process
  • After all, we have already fit a model to the data, which is a guess at the population distribution that generated the data
  • Running that mechanism (related to the population distribution) generated simulated data, which has the same distribution as the real data
  • Feeding the simulated data through our estimator gives us one draw from the sampling distribution, and repeating this many times yields the sampling distrubtion
  • Obviously, the bootstrap principle assumes that our sample represents the population distribution well (which we rarely ever know for certain)

Bootstrapping Steps

  1. We have a good sample that effectively represents the population
  2. Fit our model to the sample and calculate an estimate
  3. Repeat the following many times:

    • Simulate surrogate data from our initial sample
    • Fit our model to the surrogate data and calculate an estimate
  4. Approximate the distribution of our estimates by combining our estimates together after sampling our sample




Variable Selection