Decision Trees

Describing Decision Trees

  • A decision tree is a nonlinear predictive model used for classification
  • Regression trees and classification trees are the two types of decision trees
  • A decision tree can include a combination of regression tress and classification trees at different levels

Motivating Decision Trees

  • Global models refer to a single predictive formula that holds true over an entire data space
  • Linear and polynomial regression models are examples of global models
  • When the data has lots of features that interact with each other in complicated, nonlinear ways, then assembling a single global model can be very difficult
  • Some non-parametric smoothers try to fit models locally and paste them together (i.e. local regression models), but these models are fairly hard to interpret
  • Therefore, an alternative approach to nonlinear regression is to partition the space into smaller regions, where the interactions are more manageable
  • Then, we partition the sub-divisions again (i.e. recursive partitioning) until we finally get to chunks of the space that are so tame that we can fit simple models to them

General Idea of Decision Trees

  1. Pick an attribute (e.g. width > 6.5, car = red, etc.)
  2. Conditioned on a choice, pick another attribute
  3. In the leaves, assign a class with a majority vote
  4. Do other branches

Representation of Decision Trees

  • A decision tree is a tree represented as either a root node and leaves
  • The leaves of a decision tree graphically represent axes that separate classes from each other
  • In other words, leaf nodes represent outputs (i.e class assignments)
  • Branching is determined by attribute value
  • Internal nodes test attributes

Classification and Regression Trees

  • A classification tree is a type of decision tree that takes in discrete input and returns discrete output
  • A regression tree is a type of decision tree that takes in a continuous input and returns a continuous output
  • Leaf values in a classification tree are typically set to the most common value in the training data
  • Leaf values in a regression tree are typically set to the mean value in the training data
  • In both cases, more compact decision trees typically have more predictive power than decision trees that are very large

Learning Decision Trees

  1. Resort to a greedy heuristic by starting from an empty decision tree
  2. Determine the next best attribute to split on by calculating the split with the highest information gain
  3. Recurse



Ensemble Methods

Random Forests