Support Vector Machines

Describing Support Vector Machines

  • Hyperplanes represent a linear separator between two different classes
  • Hyperplanes are also known as support vector classifiers in reference to support vector machines (SVM)
  • An SVM is a classifier that finds the best hyperplane to separate data points into two different classes
  • The best hyperplane is the hyperplane with the largest margin between the support vectors of the two classes

    • A hyperplane represents the threshold between the two classes
    • Margin is the distance between the support vectors of the two classes
    • Support vectors are the data points on the edge of each class that lie closest to the hyperplane

Describing the Margin

  • SVM chooses the hyperplane with the largest margin between the support vectors of the two classes
  • When such a hyperplane exists, it is known as the maximum-margin hyperplane
  • The linear classifier associated with the maximum-margin hyperplane is known as the maximum-margin classifier

Defining the Maximum-Margin Hyperplane

  • SVM chooses the hyperplane with the largest margin between the support vectors of the two classes
  • SVM is sensitive to outliers within the training data for each class
  • To get around this issue, SVM allows a few data points to be misclassified in an attempt to balance the trade-off between finding a line that maximizes the margin and a line that minimizes the misclassification
  • This trade-off is a direct example of the bias-variance tradeoff

    • Specifically, the bias tends to increase (and the variance tends to decrease) when we start to allow for misclassifications in our training data
  • Our margin is known as a soft margin when we allow for misclassifications

Evaluating Soft Margins

  • A margin is known as a soft margin when we allows for misclassifications
  • We are able to determine the best soft margin by using cross validation
  • Specifically, we use cross validation to determine the number of misclassifications (to allow inside of the soft margin) that produces the best test accuracy

SVM General Algorithm

  1. Start with the data in a relatively low dimension
  2. Move the data into a higher dimension using kernel functions
  3. Find a support vector classifier that separates the higher dimensional data into two groups

Motivating Feature Mapping

  • In lower dimensions, data is typically only non-linearly separable by some decision boundary
  • If we move our data into a higher dimension, our data can sometimes become linearly separable by a hyperplane
  • We can move our data into a higher dimension by mapping our features to some other feature space
  • This process of mapping features to another feature space is called feature mapping

Describing Feature Mapping

  • Feature mapping can be very expensive, since we would need to compute some transformation to create each new variable
  • For example, let's say we have two rows and three columns from the following table:
age height weight
x 22 160 170
y 25 175 190
  • We can label our two data points as the following:
x=(a1,h1,w1)Tx = (a_{1}, h_{1}, w_{1})^{T} y=(a2,h2,w2)Ty = (a_{2}, h_{2}, w_{2})^{T}
  • Here, xx and yy are in 33 dimensions
  • If we perform feature mapping, xx and yy would be mapped to a 99 dimensional space if we apply a polynomial mapping:
ϕ(x)=(a12,a1h1,a1w1,h1a1,h12,h1w1,w1a1,w1h1,w12)T\phi(x) = (a_{1}^{2}, a_{1}h_{1}, a_{1}w_{1}, h_{1}a_{1}, h_{1}^{2}, h_{1}w_{1}, w_{1}a_{1}, w_{1}h_{1}, w_{1}^{2})^{T} ϕ(y)=(a22,a2h2,a2w2,h2a2,h22,h2w2,w2a2,w2h2,w22)T\phi(y) = (a_{2}^{2}, a_{2}h_{2}, a_{2}w_{2}, h_{2}a_{2}, h_{2}^{2}, h_{2}w_{2}, w_{2}a_{2}, w_{2}h_{2}, w_{2}^{2})^{T}
  • If we were to take the dot product ϕ(x)Tϕ(y)\phi(x)^{T}\phi(y), then this would be computationaly expensive:
ϕ(x)Tϕ(y)=O(n2)\phi(x)^{T}\phi(y) = \text{O}(n^{2})

Motivating Kernel Functions

  • It would be very useful if we could produce the output of ϕ(x)Tϕ(y)\phi(x)^{T}\phi(y) without actually calculating ϕ(x)\phi(x) and ϕ(y)\phi(y), since it's expensive to apply a polynomial mapping to such large vectors
  • The kernel function achieves this
  • A kernel function skips the feature mapping step, but still produces the same output as if we performed the dot product of our feature mapping
  • For example, we could calculate the polynomial kernel function:
k(x,y)=(xTy)2k(x,y) = (x^{T}y)^{2} k(x,y)=(a1a2+h1h2+w1w2)k(x,y) = (a_{1}a_{2} + h_{1}h_{2} + w_{1}w_{2})
  • Compared to mapping features to some feature space, the kernel function is generally less expensive
k(x,y)=O(n)k(x,y) = \text{O}(n)
  • The kernel function benefits from performing a dot product in the beginning, rather than performing a dot product on the already polynomial-transformed features in the feature mapping
  • The benefit of using a kernel function is a performance boost, since we're applying significantly fewer transformations

The Kernel Trick

  • A kernel function is used when data are non-linearly separable in its original space
  • A kernel is a function that takes its input vectors in the original space and returns the dot product of the vectors in a feature space
  • In other words, a kernel function will map data from its original space (where the classes are non-linearly separable) to another space where the classes are linearly separable
  • Essentially, kernel functions are similarity functions

    • Given two objects, the kernel function outputs some similarity score
    • The objects can be anything starting from two integers, two vectors, etc.
  • The following are examples of kernel functions:

    • Polynomial kernel
    • Gaussian kernel
    • Laplace RBF kernel
    • Hyperbolic Tangent kernel
    • Sigmoid kernel



Quadratic Discriminant Analysis