XGBoost for Classification

Introducing XGBoost for Regression

  • The model used in XGboost is a tree ensemble

    • Consisting of classification and regression trees
  • Gradient boosting is used for building out the tree ensemble
  • Boosting algorithms are roughly functional gradient descent algorithms

    • Meaning, they optimize a cost function over function space by iteratively choosing a function (weak hypothesis) that points in the negative gradient direction
  • XGBoost trees differ from normal decision trees, where each leaf is a score instead of actual decision values
  • Random forests and gradient boosted trees are the same model (tree ensembles), but differ in how we train them
  • In XGBoost, these trees are learned using a defined objective function and optimizing it
  • The objective function contains two components in XGBoost:

    • A loss function
    • A regularization function
  • Prunes the tree (decides whether to add branches or not) by calculating the information gain for each branch and only adding branches with larger information gains

Describing XGBoost for Regression

  1. Choose a loss function LL

    • A loss value represents how good our model is at predicting an observation
  2. Compute an initial prediction yy^{*} that equals 0.50.5
  3. Compute the residuals rir_{i} between each observation yiy_{i} and yy^{*}
  4. Fit a regression tree to the rir_{i} values

    • Where, nn is the number of observations
    • Where, λ\lambda is
    • Where, Ovalue2O^{2}_{value} is
    12λOvalue2+i=1nL(yi,yi)\frac{1}{2} \lambda O^{2}_{value} + \sum_{i=1}^{n}L(y_{i}, y_{i}^{*})
  5. Perform pruning on the tree by removing the lowest leaves
  6. Assign output values γj\gamma_{j} to each leaf:
γj=sum of residuals for leaf jλ+number of residuals for leaf j\gamma_{j} = \frac{\text{sum of residuals for leaf j}}{\lambda + \text{number of residuals for leaf j}}
  1. Create a new prediction yy^{*} that is:

    • Here, ν\nu is the learning rate used for regularization
    • Here, γj\gamma_{j} is the average associated with the jthj^{th} leaf for the ithi^{th} observation
    yinew=yicurrent+(ν×γj)\overbrace{y_{i}^{*}}^{\text{new}} = \overbrace{y_{i}^{*}}^{\text{current}} + (\nu \times \gamma_{j})
  2. Repeat steps 373-7, until we build MM different shallow trees

    • In practice, typically M=100M=100

Fitting an XGBoost Regression Tree

  • In XGBoost, a tree is fit (step 44) using its own fitting method
  • Specifically, the XGBoost fitting method follows these steps:

    1. Select a single independent variable
    2. Select two observations with neighboring values of the selected independent variable
    3. Split on the average of these two observations
    4. Compute the following similarity score:
    similarity score=sum of squared residuals for leaf jλ+number of residuals for leaf j\text{similarity score} = \frac{\text{sum of squared residuals for leaf j}}{\lambda + \text{number of residuals for leaf j}}
    1. Compute the information gain of the split:
    Gain=simleft+simrightsimroot\text{Gain} = \text{sim}_{left} + \text{sim}_{right} - \text{sim}_{root}
    1. Shift to the next two observations with neighboring values of the selected independent variable
    2. Continue to shift and compute by repeating steps 363-6
    3. Continue to iterate through other independent variables by repeating steps 272-7
  • Here, λ\lambda is a regularization hyperparameter
  • Again, the similarity score is computed for each jthj^{th} leaf

    • Leaves with similar residuals produce a larger similarity score
    • Leaves with dissimilar residuals produce a smaller similarity score
  • The information gain determines whether a split is good or not

    • Splits are considered good if they produce a large information gain
    • Split are considered poor if they produce a small information gain
  • Thus, the best split with the highest information gain
  • The depth of the tree is determined using a hyperparameter
  • The maximum number of leaved is determined using a hyperparameter

Pruning an XGBoost Regression Tree

  • A tunable hyperparameter γ\gamma is used for pruning trees
  • Calculate the following formula for each leaf:
Gainγ>0\text{Gain} - \gamma > 0
  • If the difference between the gain and γ\gamma is negative, then we remove the branch

Improving the Accuracy of Classification Trees

  • If coverage of labels are imbalanced, then try different balancing methods such as the following:

    • Oversampling
    • Undersampling
    • SMOTE
  • Compare model with most important features with model including all features:

    • Typically, most important features include 20ish features
    • Full model may include 100+ features
    • However, XGBoost runs feature selection behind-the-scenes, so this most likely won't improve the accuracy
  • Try running dimensionality reduction before classification:

    • Most likely, this won't improve the accuracy of the model
    • Since, XGBoost does feature selection behind-the-scenes
  • Try removing outliers, imputing outliers, and imputing missing values

    • XGBoost is sensitive to outliers, so this may improve the accuracy
  • Running hyper-parameter optimization methods, like:

    • Grid search
    • Random search
    • Bayesian prior weighting
  • Apply a mix of feature engineering methods including:

    • Creating meta-features, such as:

      • Squaring or taking the log of other features
      • Computing the standard deviation of other features
      • Calculating the difference of multiple features
    • Creating feature of clustering labels

      • This feature could be the labels from running a k-means clustering of other features
      • Then, we'd hope these labels could serve as a predictor
      • Then, help in predicting the response in our classifier
  • Stacking and blending multiple classification models together

Motivating Improvements for Classification Models

  • Data-specific improvements (i.e. feature engineering and including more data) are usually better than model-specific improvements
  • Model-specific improvements (i.e. ensembeling and trying different models) are better than hyper-parameter tuning



Gradient Boosting

Logistic Regression