Batch Normalization

Motivating Batch Normalization

  • Batch normalization is a technique for improving the speed, performance, and stability of a network
  • Essentially, batch normalization involves re-scaling and re-centering input layers
  • By doing this, we can achieve the following:

    • Search through hyperparameters more easily
    • Have a greater range of hyperparameters that work well
    • Have a more robust network in terms of the choice of hyperparameters

Introducing Batch Normalization

  • We've already suggested normalizing our input data
  • Normalized input data can improve our training speed
  • This is because an elongated contour becomes more circular
  • However, deeper networks still have an issue with elongated contours if the activations aren't normalized
  • This is because activations a[l]a^{[l]} are the input of our training of weights w[l+1]w^{[l+1]} and biases b[l+1]b^{[l+1]}
  • Batch norm solves this issue by normalizing the hidden layers
  • Specifically, batch normalization re-scales any activation a[l]a^{[l]} so the weights w[l+1]w^{[l+1]} and biases b[l+1]b^{[l+1]} can be trained faster

Using Activations in Batch Normalization

  • In practice, we typically normalize z[l]z^{[l]} instead of a[l]a^{[l]}
  • Some people use a[l]a^{[l]} over z[l]z^{[l]}, since a[l]a^{[l]} is the input of our parameter training
  • However, more people normalize z[l]z^{[l]} instead
  • This is because normalizing z[l]z^{[l]} versus normalizing a[l]a^{[l]} will tend to produce a similar outcome
  • Therefore, we'll stick to normalizing z[l]z^{[l]}

Defining Batch Normalization

  1. Receive some intermediate values z[l]z^{[l]}
  2. Calculate the mean of the vector z[l]z^{[l]}:
μ=1mi=1mzi\mu = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} z_{i}
  1. Calculate the variance of the vector z[l]z^{[l]}:
σ2=1mi=1m(ziμ)2\sigma^{2} = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} (z_{i} - \mu)^{2}
  1. Normalize the vector z[l]z^{[l]}:
zinorm=ziμσ2ϵz_{i}^{norm} = \frac{z_{i} - \mu}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2} - \epsilon}}
  1. Ensure z[l]z^{[l]} doesn't always have μ=0\mu=0 and σ2=1\sigma^{2}=1:
zi~=β+γzinorm\tilde{z_{i}} = \beta + \gamma z_{i}^{norm}

Understanding Batch Normalization

  • In a previous chapter, we've seen a similar type of normalization process applied to our input layer already
  • Essentially, batch normalization takes that similar normalization process and not only applies it to our input layer, but our hidden unit values as well
  • The additional step (step 55) of batch normalization represents the biggest difference between the two forms of normalization
  • Specifically, we want to ensure that z[l]z^{[l]} doesn't always have μ=0\mu=0 and σ2=1\sigma^{2}=1
  • This is because most activation functions depend on having a wider range of values that aren't centered around 00 with a variance of 11
  • In other words, this would defeat the purpose of using most activation functions
  • For example, we wouldn't want the input values of a sigmoid activation function to have these properties
  • This is because the sigmoid function outputs linear activations when the input values are close to 00
  • Since the output becomes linear, the output would be considered uninsightful
  • In summary, this step in batch normalization ensures that our hidden unit values have a standardized mean and variance, where the mean and variance are controlled by two explicit parameters γ\gamma and β\beta

Describing the Parameters and Hyperparameters

  • Batch normalization uses a hyperparameter ϵ\epsilon to ensure numerical stability during division
  • Batch normalization uses the parameter β\beta as an additive term for scaling z[l]z^{[l]}
  • Batch normalization uses the parameter γ\gamma as a scaling factor of z[l]z^{[l]}
  • The β\beta and γ\gamma parameters are included so we can re-scale zinormz_{i}^{norm} to be whatever value we want
  • As a reminder, the β\beta and γ\gamma are parameters, not hyperparameters
  • In our optimization algorithm (e.g. Adam), we would update these parameters just like we'd update the weights ww and biases bb parameters
  • Note, that we use zi~[l]\tilde{z_{i}}^{[l]} instead of zi[l]z_{i}^{[l]} going forward in our optimization algorithm

Replacing Bias bb with Beta β\beta

  • Recall that z[l]z^{[l]} is defined as the following:
z[l]=w[l]a[l1]+b[l]z^{[l]} = w^{[l]}a^{[l-1]} + b^{[l]}
  • Recall that z~[l]\tilde{z}^{[l]} is defined as the following:
zi~[l]=β[l]+γzinorm[l]\tilde{z_{i}}^{[l]} = \beta^{[l]} + \gamma z_{i}^{norm[l]}
  • Therefore, the bias term b[l]b^{[l]} can be considered a constant when using batch normalization
  • Then, the notion of the bias term b[l]b^{[l]} can be indluded in β\beta
  • Meaning, our formulas essentially become:
z[l]=w[l]a[l1]z^{[l]} = w^{[l]}a^{[l-1]} zi~[l]=β[l]+γzinorm[l]\tilde{z_{i}}^{[l]} = \beta^{[l]} + \gamma z_{i}^{norm[l]}
  • And, we only need to train our model for the following parameters:
w[l],β[l],γw^{[l]}, \beta^{[l]}, \gamma
  • In other words, we train a model while updating only two parameters w[l]w^{[l]} and b[l]b^{[l]} without using batch normalization
  • Using batch normalization, we would train a model while updating only one additional parameter γ[l]\gamma^{[l]}

Applying Batch Normalization

  • The following is a general iteration of a single layer using batch normalization:
a[l] w[l],b[l] z[l] β[l],γ[l] z~[l]  a[l+1]a^{[l]} \space \overbrace{\to}^{w^{[l]}, b^{[l]}} \space z^{[l]} \space \underbrace{\to}_{\beta^{[l]}, \gamma^{[l]}} \space \tilde{z}^{[l]} \space \to \space a^{[l+1]}
  • The following is an example of a network with one hidden layer using batch normalization:
x w[1],b[1] z[1] β[1],γ[1] z~[1]  a[2] w[2],b[2] z[2] β[2],γ[2] z~[2]  y^x \space \overbrace{\to}^{w^{[1]}, b^{[1]}} \space z^{[1]} \space \overbrace{\to}^{\beta^{[1]}, \gamma^{[1]}} \space \tilde{z}^{[1]} \space \to \space a^{[2]} \space \overbrace{\to}^{w^{[2]}, b^{[2]}} \space z^{[2]} \space \overbrace{\to}^{\beta^{[2]}, \gamma^{[2]}} \space \tilde{z}^{[2]} \space \to \space \hat{y}
  • In this example, we need to train the following parameters using an optimization algorithm:
w[1],b[1],β[1],γ[1],w[2],b[2],β[2],γ[2]w^{[1]}, b^{[1]}, \beta^{[1]}, \gamma^{[1]}, w^{[2]}, b^{[2]}, \beta^{[2]}, \gamma^{[2]}

Applying Batch Normalization with Mini-Batches

  • When applying batch normalization to mini-batches, we apply a very similar approach as the one described above:
a[l]{t} w[l]{t},b[l]{t} z[l]{t} β[l]{t},γ[l]{t} z~[l]{t}  a[l+1]{t}a^{[l] \lbrace t \rbrace } \space \overbrace{\to}^{w^{[l] \lbrace t \rbrace}, b^{[l] \lbrace t \rbrace}} \space z^{[l] \lbrace t \rbrace} \space \overbrace{\to}^{\beta^{[l] \lbrace t \rbrace}, \gamma^{[l] \lbrace t \rbrace}} \space \tilde{z}^{[l] \lbrace t \rbrace} \space \to \space a^{[l+1] \lbrace t \rbrace} a[l]{t+1} w[l]{t+1},b[l]{t+1} z[l]{t+1} β[l]{t+1},γ[l]{t+1} z~[l]{t+1}  a[l+1]{t+1}a^{[l] \lbrace t+1 \rbrace } \space \overbrace{\to}^{w^{[l] \lbrace t+1 \rbrace}, b^{[l] \lbrace t+1 \rbrace}} \space z^{[l] \lbrace t+1 \rbrace} \space \overbrace{\to}^{\beta^{[l] \lbrace t+1 \rbrace}, \gamma^{[l] \lbrace t+1 \rbrace}} \space \tilde{z}^{[l] \lbrace t+1 \rbrace} \space \to \space a^{[l+1] \lbrace t+1 \rbrace}
  • The following is an example of a network with one hidden layer and two mini-batches using batch normalization:
x{1} w[1],b[1] z[1] β[1],γ[1] z~[1]  a[2] w[2],b[2] z[2] β[2],γ[2] z~[2]  y^x^{\lbrace 1 \rbrace} \space \overbrace{\to}^{w^{[1]}, b^{[1]}} \space z^{[1]} \space \overbrace{\to}^{\beta^{[1]}, \gamma^{[1]}} \space \tilde{z}^{[1]} \space \to \space a^{[2]} \space \overbrace{\to}^{w^{[2]}, b^{[2]}} \space z^{[2]} \space \overbrace{\to}^{\beta^{[2]}, \gamma^{[2]}} \space \tilde{z}^{[2]} \space \to \space \hat{y} x{2} w[1],b[1] z[1] β[1],γ[1] z~[1]  a[2] w[2],b[2] z[2] β[2],γ[2] z~[2]  y^x^{\lbrace 2 \rbrace} \space \overbrace{\to}^{w^{[1]}, b^{[1]}} \space z^{[1]} \space \overbrace{\to}^{\beta^{[1]}, \gamma^{[1]}} \space \tilde{z}^{[1]} \space \to \space a^{[2]} \space \overbrace{\to}^{w^{[2]}, b^{[2]}} \space z^{[2]} \space \overbrace{\to}^{\beta^{[2]}, \gamma^{[2]}} \space \tilde{z}^{[2]} \space \to \space \hat{y}

Training a Model with Batch Normalization

  1. Select a ttht^{th} mini-batch
  2. Use forward propagation to compute y^\hat{y}
  3. During forward propagation, use batch normalization on each lthl^{th} hidden layer to replace z[l]z^{[l]} with z~[l]\tilde{z}^{[l]}
  4. Compute the loss L(y,y^)\mathcal{L}(y, \hat{y}) from y^\hat{y}
  5. Compute the cost J(w,β,γ)J(w,\beta,\gamma) from the loss L(y,y^)\mathcal{L}(y, \hat{y})
  6. Use backward propagation to compute dw[l]dw^{[l]}, dβ[l]d\beta^{[l]}, and dγ[l]d\gamma^{[l]}
  7. Use an optimization algorithm (e.g. gradient descent, adam, rmsprop, etc.) to update the following parameters:
w[l]=w[l]αdw[l]w^{[l]} = w^{[l]} - \alpha dw^{[l]} β[l]=β[l]αdβ[l]\beta^{[l]} = \beta^{[l]} - \alpha d\beta^{[l]} γ[l]=γ[l]αdγ[l]\gamma^{[l]} = \gamma^{[l]} - \alpha d\gamma^{[l]}

Why Batch Norm Increases Training Performance

  1. Roughly, batch normalization scales each of our activations

    • Recall that normalizing inputs speeds up training by transforming any elongated contours into circular contours
    • We did this by normalizing our inputs such that μ=0\mu=0 and σ2=1\sigma^{2}=1
    • Batch normalization is trying to do the same thing, but in a slighly different way
    • Specifically, batch normalization also speeds up training by ensuring contours are no longer elongated
    • However, batch normalization does this by scaling activations without strictly enforcing μ=0\mu=0 and σ2=1\sigma^{2}=1
    • In the end, batch normalization ensures that the inner layer, hidden layers, and output layer all become normalized
  2. Weights in later layers become more robust to changes in earlier layers in the network

    • Normalizing the activations leads to those activations having a smaller range of values
    • This will make training faster for later layers
    • This is because the activations of the earlier layers are not shifted around as much, due to these activations having a smaller range of values
    • Meaning, activations become more stable
    • As a result, later layers are able to rely on more stable activation inputs
    • This also means parameter updates have less of an impact on the the distribution of activations
    • This also leads to activations becoming more stable
    • Note, activations having a smaller range of values indicates that changes in activations have a larger effect than before
  3. The optimization landscape becomes significantly smoother

    • We've already seen how normalizing inputs lead to a smoother contour
    • Therefore, normalizing activations will only lead to an even smoother contour
    • This causes the training speed to improve

Motivating Batch Normalization at Test Time

  • Typically, we only want to predict only one observation
  • In this case, dealing with μ\mu and σ2\sigma^{2} in batch normalization becomes difficult
  • We don't just want to set μ\mu and σ2\sigma^{2} to be equal to the mean and variance of that single observation
  • Therefore, we track μ[l]\mu^{[l]} and σ2[l]\sigma^{2[l]} in training and perform an exponentially weighted average on the vector of means and variance for each layer and mini-batch during training

Defining Batch Normalization at Test Time

  1. Track each layer's μ[l]\mu^{[l]} and σ2[l]\sigma^{2[l]} during training:
minibatchtrain{1}μtrain{1}[l] and σtrain2{1}[l] for each lminibatch_{train}^{\lbrace 1 \rbrace} \to \mu_{train}^{\lbrace 1 \rbrace [l]} \text{ and } \sigma_{train}^{2 \lbrace 1 \rbrace [l]} \text{ for each l} minibatchtrain{2}μtrain{2}[l] and σtrain2{2}[l] for each lminibatch_{train}^{\lbrace 2 \rbrace} \to \mu_{train}^{\lbrace 2 \rbrace [l]} \text{ and } \sigma_{train}^{2 \lbrace 2 \rbrace [l]} \text{ for each l} minibatchtrain{3}μtrain{3}[l] and σtrain2{3}[l] for each lminibatch_{train}^{\lbrace 3 \rbrace} \to \mu_{train}^{\lbrace 3 \rbrace [l]} \text{ and } \sigma_{train}^{2 \lbrace 3 \rbrace [l]} \text{ for each l} ......
  1. Estimate μ[l]\mu^{[l]} and σ2[l]\sigma^{2[l]} using exponentially weighted averages:
expavg(μtrain{1}[l],μtrain{2}[l],μtrain{3}[l],...)μtest[l]expavg(\mu_{train}^{\lbrace 1 \rbrace [l]}, \mu_{train}^{\lbrace 2 \rbrace [l]}, \mu_{train}^{\lbrace 3 \rbrace [l]}, ...) \to \mu_{test}^{[l]} expavg(σtrain2{1}[l],σtrain2{2}[l],σtrain2{3}[l],...)σtest2[l]expavg(\sigma_{train}^{2 \lbrace 1 \rbrace [l]}, \sigma_{train}^{2 \lbrace 2 \rbrace [l]}, \sigma_{train}^{2 \lbrace 3 \rbrace [l]}, ...) \to \sigma_{test}^{2[l]}


  • We know we can improve training speed by normalizing inputs
  • Specifically, we do this by normalizing inputs such that μ=0\mu=0 and σ2=1\sigma^{2}=1
  • Now, we can further improve training speed by normalizing the inputs and activations (using batch normalization)
  • Specifically, we use batch normalization to normalize inputs and activations such that μ[l]\mu^{[l]} and σ2[l]\sigma^{2[l]} are fixed values for each layer, based on the parameters β[l]\beta^{[l]} and γ[l]\gamma^{[l]}
  • In other words, μ[l]\mu^{[l]} doesn't need to equal 00 and σ2[l]\sigma^{2[l]} doesn't need to 11 (but can be if desired)
  • This provides enough flexibility to the parameters so that activations remain normalized, but the activation functions (e.g. sigmoid, relu, etc.) remain effective
  • These two forms of normalization are similar, but batch normalization includes an additional step
  • This step ensures that our hidden unit values have a standardized mean and variance, where the mean and variance are controlled by two explicit parameters γ\gamma and β\beta



The Tuning Process

Softmax Regression