Motivating Cost Functions
- Up until now, we've been using a quadratic cost function because we've only been dealing with regression
- However, we can use other cost functions for other purposes
- For example, we typically use a cross-entropy cost function for classification problems, and a quadratic cost function for regression problems
- We'll know which cost function to choose once we determine how to represent the output of our model
Assumptions of Cost Functions
For backpropagation to work, we need to make two assumptions about the form of the cost function:
- A cost function can be written as an average
- A cost function can be written as a function of the outputs
- For example, the quadratic cost function satisfies both assumptions:
- In other words, our cost function is an average due to the term
- We need this assumption because backpropagation involves computin g the partial derivatives and for a single training example
- Therefore, we take an average over all of these partial derivatives so our cost function is effectively able to represent a measure of these partial derivatives
- The quadratic cost function satisfies the second assumption as well because it takes in the outputs of our activations functions
- In other words, our cost function satisfies this assumption since our predictions are the output of our activation functions
Describing the Cross-Entropy Cost Function
- Up until now, we've mostly used the quadratic cost function to learn and for regression problems
- However, we can use a different cost function for classification problems, and other cost functions for other applications
- For classification problems, we can use the cross-entropy cost function:
- This is also known as the Bernoulli negative log-likelihood and Binary Cross-Entropy
- This cost function has its own gradient with respect to the output of a neural network
- This cost function is typically used in logistic regression
Cost Function and Loss Function
- We typically use the terms cost and loss functions interchangeably
- However, there is actually a slight distinction between the two
- Specifically, we can define a cost function as the following:
- There are many types of loss functions that we can plug into a cost function
- We could use a cross-entropy loss function for logistic regression:
- Or we could use a quadratic loss function for linear regression:
- A cost function is a measure of how good a neural network did with respect to its given training sample and its expected output
- It uses parameters, such as weights and biases, to do this
- A cost function returns a single value (not a vector) because it rates how good the neural network performs as a whole
- Cost functions typically rely on two assumptions, which are hard to enforce and usually broken
Therefore, the only real requirement for backpropagation is that we can define gradients on all the computation steps between:
- Weights we want to backpropagate into
- And the cost function we want to backpropagate from
- These gradients don't necessarily need to be mathematically well defined, or even correct and unbiased (e.g. straight-through gradient estimators)