Sigmoid Neurons

Introducing Learning Algorithms

  • We use learning algorithms to tune the weights and biases of a network
  • In our case, we could use a learning algorithm to solve for the weights and biases in a perceptron
  • To see how learning might work, suppose we make a small change in some weight (or bias) in the network
  • What we'd like is for this small change in weight to cause only a small corresponding change in the output from the network
  • This property is what makes learning possible

Motivating Sigmoid Neurons

  • If it were true that a small change in a weight (or bias) causes only a small change in output, then we could use this fact to modify the weights and biases to get our network to behave more in the manner we want
  • However, perceptrons don't always have this effect
  • Specifically, small changes in a weight or bias can can cause large changes in output
  • In fact, a small change in the weights or bias of any single perceptron in the network can sometimes cause the output of that perceptron to completely flip (say from 0 to 1)
  • We can overcome this problem by introducing a new type of artificial neuron called a sigmoid neuron

Defining Sigmoid Neurons

  • Sigmoid neurons are similar to perceptrons, but modified so that small changes in their weights and bias cause only a small change in their output
  • A sigmoid neuron takes in several inputs x1,x2,...,xnx_{1}, x_{2}, ..., x_{n}
  • A sigmoid neuron returns a single output between 0 and 1:
f(z)(0,1)f(z) \in (0,1)
  • For example, our output could be 0.6850.685
  • A sigmoid neuron uses a different activation function:
f(z)11+ezf(z) \equiv \frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}
  • Sometimes, we specifically refer to the activation function of a sigmoid neuron as the sigmoid function, which can be represented as σ\sigma:
σ(z)11+ez\sigma(z) \equiv \frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}
  • Specifically, the output of a sigmoid neuron is the following:

    σ(wxb)11+e(wxb)\sigma(w \cdot x - b) \equiv \frac{1}{1+e^{-(w \cdot x - b)}}
    • Where ww are our weights
    • Where bb is our bias
    • Where xx is our input

Illustrating Sigmoid Neurons

  • We can visually represent a sigmoid neuron as the following:

    • Where wiw_{i} is a weight
    • Where xix_{i} is an input
    • Where \sum is the weighted sum function
    • Where the output of this function is z=wxbz = w \cdot x - b
    • Where σ\sigma is the sigmoid function
    • Where the output of this function is σ(z)=11+ez\sigma(z) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}
    • Where yy is the output


  • Then, we can further simplify some of the notation:

    • Where wiw_{i} is a weight
    • Where xix_{i} is an input
    • Where the output of the weighted sum function \sum is the input of the sigmoid function σ\sigma
    • Where yy is the output


The Behavior of Sigmoid Neurons

  • The activation function of a perceptron is a step function
  • The sigmoid neuron behaves in a similar way to the perceptron
  • If zwx+bz \equiv w \cdot x + b is a large positive number, then ez0e^{−z} \approx 0 and so σ(z)1\sigma(z) \approx 1
  • In other words, when wx+bw \cdot x + b is large and positive, the output from the sigmoid neuron is approximately 11
  • On the other hand, if zwx+bz \equiv w \cdot x + b is very negative, then eze^{−z} \to \infty and σ(z)0\sigma(z) \approx 0
  • In other words, when wx+bw \cdot x + b is very negative, the output from the sigmoid neuron is approximately 00
  • This behaviour of a sigmoid neuron closely approximates a perceptron
  • It's only when wx+bw \cdot x + b is of modest size that there's much deviation from the perceptron model
  • This behavior is reflected in the shape of both functions:


Use-Cases of Sigmoid Neurons

  • We can use a sigmoid neuron to represent the average intensity of the pixels of an image
  • We can use a sigmoid neuron to represent probabilistic output
  • We can also use a sigmoid neuron (with a given threshold) to represent binary output
  • In other words, we can set a threshold of 0.50.5 to reflect the exact behavior of a perceptron
  • Compared to a perceptron, this gives us more flexibility to choose whatever threshold we see fit


  • A neural network without an activation function is just a linear function
  • Different activation functions are used if:

    • We want to return outputs in a certain range
    • Use one that is monotonic
    • Use one that has a monotonic derivative
    • Use one that approximates identity near the origin
  • A sigmoid neuron is similar to perceptrons, but modified so that small changes in their weights and bias cause only a small change in their output
  • A sigmoid neuron returns output in the range of (0,1)(0,1)



Introducing Perceptrons

Architecture of Neural Networks