Forecasting Transformations

Motivating Transformations and Adjustments

  • Adjusting any historical data can often help make forcasting easier and more accurate
  • In general, there are four main adjustments:

    • Calendar adjustments
    • Population adjustments
    • Inflation adjustments
    • Mathematical transformations
  • Making patterns simpler (by performing transformations) usually lead to more accurate forecasts

Defining Calendar Adjustments

  • Calendar adjustments include transforming data to account for seasonality trends
  • Forecasts become more accurate by removing any seasonality variation
  • For example, monthly flower sales will vary between months for two different reasons:

    • Each month has a different number of days
    • Seasonal variation across the year
  • In this example, we could adjust monthly flower sales using the following formula:
monthly sales=monthly salesnumber of days in month\text{monthly sales}^{*} = \frac{\text{monthly sales}}{\text{number of days in month}}

Defining Population Adjustments

  • Some data is impacted by yearly population changes
  • Thus, population data should be normalized using per-capita data
  • For example, yearly housing sales will always vary, since the population increases every year
  • As a result, forecasts would be more accurate by removing the yearly effects of population changes
  • Then, we can determine whether there have been real changes in housing sales relative to the population
  • Thus, we can normalize sales using the following formula:
yearly sales=yearly salespopulation for that year\text{yearly sales}^{*} = \frac{\text{yearly sales}}{\text{population for that year}}

Defining Inflation Adjustments

  • Some data is impacted by the fluctuations in the value of money
  • Thus, financial data should be inflation-adjusted
  • For example, yearly housing prices will fluctuate slightly each decade due to inflation

    • A 200,000housein2000willbeworth200,000 house in 2000 will be worth300,000 in 2020 after adjusting for inflation

Defining Mathematical Transformations

  • Some data can be transformed to account for non-linear trends
  • For example, some data contains exponential growth

    • Normalizing this data by taking the log (of this data) will lead to more accurate and interpretable forecasts
  • Also, a Box-Cox is a common transformation

    • A Box-Cox transformation attempts to adjust a non-normal variable into a normal shape
  • Essentially, we cycle through different sets of power exponents λ\lambda in the Box-Cox formula, until we eventually find a λ\lambda that best transforms our non-normal data into a normal shape
  • Note, looping through different power exponenets λ\lambda implies we're looping through different transformations, such as:
λ\lambda Box-Cox Transformation
3-3 Y3=1Y3Y^{-3} = \frac{1}{Y^{3}}
2-2 Y3=1Y2Y^{-3} = \frac{1}{Y^{2}}
1-1 Y1=1YY^{-1} = \frac{1}{Y}
0.5-0.5 Y0.5=1YY^{-0.5} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{Y}}
00 log(Y)\log (Y)
0.50.5 Y0.5=YY^{0.5} = \sqrt{Y}
11 YY
22 Y2Y^{2}
33 Y3Y^{3}



Understanding Patterns

Evaluating Forecasting Models