XGBoost Tips

Getting Best Booster

  • The best tree will be the final tree
  • The main difference between RF and GB is how the trees are trained

    • Inference is roughly the same, gathering estimates from each tree to come up with a final prediction
    • RF training starts with a new tree when producing a new tree (i.e. bagging)
    • GB training creates a new tree based on previous tree (i.e. boosting)
  • Each boosted tree will be weighted and aggregated to come up with a final prediction for an observation

    • Each boosted tree is given the same weight eta when making a final prediction
    • The final prediction is the sum of each tree's prediction multiplied by a constant weight eta
best_iteration = model.get_booster().best_ntree_limit
num_trees = len(model.get_booster().get_dump())
print('Best iteration:', best_iteration)
print('Num iterations:', num_trees)

Displaying Decision Rules for Individual Trees

  • Decision rules of individual trees can be visualized and printed
  • To visualize decision rules of an individual tree, use the xgb.plot_tree function

    • If image is blurry, increase clarity by increasing figsize parameter
    • Specify individual tree using the num_trees parameter
  • To print decision rules of all trees, use the dump_model function

    • For more details about the decision rules (e.g. coverage), set with_stats parameter to True
    • Decision rules and any statistics will be outputted to a file
  • To analyze decision rules, gains, and other statistics, use the trees_to_dataframe function
# Plot decision rules of 5th tree
# Increase fig size to make plot more clear
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(40, 40))
xgb.plot_tree(model, num_trees=5, fontsize=20, ax=ax)

# Print decision rules of every tree
model.get_booster().dump_model('./xgb_model.txt', with_stats=True)
with open('./xgb_model.txt', 'r') as f:
    txt_model = f.read()

# Output decision rules and gains to dataframe
temp_df = model.get_booster().trees_to_dataframe()
temp_df[temp_df['Tree'] == 0]

Analyzing Different Feature Importances

  • Weight refers to the number of times a feature is used in a splitting criteria

    • This could include splitting of just 11 outlier observation
    • Weight will count a feature twice if that feature is used as two separate decision rules in a single tree
  • Gain refers to the accuracy gain by including the feature

    • Includes more balanced splits in terms of coverage, so less prone to generating higher gains if filtering out a single outlier observation
    • But, these features aren't necessarily present in a lot of trees
  • Cover refers to number of observations involved in decision rules across all trees

    • Doesn't look at features included very often throughout the trees
    • Can be impacted by splits only accounting for outliers
# gain:
# - includes more balanced splits in terms of coverage
# - but aren't necessarily present in a lot of trees
# weight:
# - includes splits accounting for outliers
# - but are features that included very often
# cover:
# - doesn't look at features included very often
# - and includes splits accounting for outliers
xgb.plot_importance(model, max_num_features=10, importance_type='gain')



XGBoost for Regression