Bayesian and Frequentist Estimation

An Analogy of the Data Generation Process

  • A data generating process is the true, underlying phenomenon that is creating the data
  • A mathematical model is the (often imperfect) attempt to describe and emulate this phenomenon
  • A mathematical model is represented as a function with adjustable parameters
  • We can think of a mathematical model as a shower head that is controlled by a bunch of knobs, which are the model's parameters
  • For example, the angle of the shower head is one parameter that controls the location of droplets on the floor
  • There is another knob that controls the spread of the spray
  • This shower head can be thought of as our normal probability density function, where the location know is μ\mu and the spread know is σ\sigma
  • The bathroom shower head is just one device for generating a pattern of random water droplets
  • There are others, such as different types of lawn sprinklers
  • Each type of sprinkler generates a different pattern of droplets, and each type of sprinkler has different control knobs
  • Different mathematical models of data are like different shower heads or sprinklers, each with their own control knobs
  • Each mathematical model generates a particular type of data, and each mathematical model has particular knobs – called parameters – that control the specific details of the pattern of data

Motivating Parameter Estimation

  • Previously, we estimated probabilities using frequentist and bayesian methods
  • A probability is just considered a parameter of a mathematical model
  • Therefore, these frequentist and bayesian methods used for estimating probabilities can also be used to estimate other parameters
  • In other words, we can use those same frequentist and bayesian parameter estimation techniques, such as MLE and simulations, to estimate the parameters μ\mu and σ\sigma for a normal distribution

More on Frequentist Estimation

  • There are lots of settings for μ\mu and σ\sigma that may make the normal distribution mimick the data reasonably well, but what values of μ\mu and σ\sigma are the best?
  • The classic answer to this question in the frequentist framework is the values of μ\mu and σ\sigma that maximize the probability of the data
  • Another technical term for probability is likelihood, and so the values that maximize the probability of the data are called the maximum likelihood estimate or MLE
  • It turns out that for a normal distribution, the MLE value for μ\mu is just the sample mean, and the MLE value for σ2\sigma^{2} is just the sample variance

More on Bayesian Estimation

  • In Bayesian statistics, we typically follow a general process when estimating parameters:

    1. Start with a set of possible parameter values in a model, with initial credibilities of those parameter values
    2. Gather data that makes some parameter values more or less credible
    3. Re-allocate credibility to the parameter values that are more consistent with the data, and re-allocate credibility away from parameter values that are less consistent with the data
  • One attraction of Bayesian methods is that the posterior distribution inherently reveals the uncertainty of the estimated parameter value
  • When the posterior distribution is wide, the estimate is uncertain
  • When the posterior distribution is narrower, the posterior estimate is more certain
  • In the Bayesian framework, uncertainty is inherently represented by the posterior distribution over the parameters
  • In the frequentist framework, there is no such representation, and so confidence intervals must be used to represent uncertainty

Which Analysis and When?

  • We should use Bayesian analysis if we're asking what parameter values and models are most credible given the data
  • We should use frequentist analysis if we're asking about error rates for imaginary data from hypothetical worlds

Bayesian versus Frequentist Estimation

  • It is often said incorrectly that parameters are treated as fixed by frequentists but random by bayesians
  • However, frequentists and bayesians both believe a parameter may have been fixed from the start or may have been generated from a physically random mechanism
  • In either case, both suppose it has taken on some fixed value
  • The bayesian uses formal probability models to express personal uncertainty about that value, whereas the frequentist uses confidence interval to express uncertainty about that value
  • Randomness in our model creates personal uncertainty about our parameter estimates in our model
  • Randomness is not a property of the parameter, although we hope it accurately reflects properties of the mechanisms that produced the parameter



Philosophy behind Probability

Random Variables