Introducing Context-Aware Recommenders
- So far, we've assumed that certain context isn't relevant in making recommendations about a given item for a given user
Specifically, we've ignored certain context like:
- Time
- User location
- Marketing channel
- Etc.
- Realistically, this information is typically very relevant for most recommenders, since users make decision based on this context
There are three general methods for including context in our recommendations:
- Contextual Prefiltering
- Contextual Postfiltering
- Contextual Modeling
- For contextual modeling, our rating matrix could look like the following with time included as context:
Describing Types of Context-Aware Recommenders
Location: recommendations made by a store in Hawaii might be different for a store in Alaska
- Customers who receive recommendations restaurant in one area will receive different recommendations in another area
Time: Movie recommendations received today may not be relevant years later
- Apparel recommendations will be different depending on the season
Intent: Restaurant recommendations may change if the user is dining for one or for two
- Apparel recommendations may be different if users are shopping for a gift
- Channel: Email recommendations can be different than recommendations made on the site
- Conditions: Recpmmendations by a department store may include rain boots or a poncho depending on the weather
Illustrating a Non-Contextual Recommender
A non-contextual recommender is trained on data
- Specifically, its a data set containing a given rating for each user and item
- This is also referred to as the rating matrix
- Then, this non-contextual recommender can predict a rating for a given user and item
- Typically, we'll input a user into the model and receive a list of item recommendations
Illustrating a Contextual Recommender with Prefiltering
- A contextual recommender with contextual prefiltering is one way of including contextual information in our recommender
- Essentially, contextual prefiltering refers to building a recommender filtered on each value of a context feature
- For example, we may want to build a separate recommender for each day of the week
- First, the recommender is filtered on each value of our contextual feature
Then, it's trained on data
- Specifically, its a data set containing a given rating for each user and item
- This is also referred to as the rating matrix
- Then, this contextual recommender can predict a rating for a given user and item for a given contextual value
- Typically, we'll input a user into the model and receive a list of item recommendations
Describing Pros and Cons of Prefiltering
- Before prefiltering, we must first consider the trade-off between sparsity and accuracy from contextualization
- Specifically, adding context will increase the size of the rating matrix, which will make the data more sparse
- On one hand, we can increase the accuracy of recommendations with user-item interactions
However, contextualization decreases the quantity of data available for the recommender
- Since the data sparsity grows
- This can impact the quality of recommendations
Illustrating a Contextual Recommender with Postfiltering
- A contextual recommender with contextual postfiltering is another way of including contextual information in our recommender
- Essentially, contextual postfiltering refers to filtering on recommendations based on values from a content feature after we make recommendations
- For example, we can filter (or re-rank) items based on an item's designated gender once receiving an initial list of non-contextual recommendations from our recommender
First, the recommender is trained on data
- Specifically, its a data set containing a given rating for each user and item
- Then, this recommender can predict a rating for a given user and item
- Lastly, we'll filter on items satisfying a value from our context feature only
Illustrating Contextual Hybrid Modeling
- The most intuitive solution for contextual recommendation is baking context in our actual recommendations
To do this, we'll need to create a hybrid model that predicts ratings as a function of item, users, and contexts
- Essentially, we extend matrix factorization from ordinary collaborative filtering to create embeddings for context/content features as well
This is called a hybrid model because we combine:
- The ability for content-based models to include content features
- The ability for collaborative filtering to make recommendations about items without interactions from users
In general, the two types of contextual hybrid modelings are:
- Nearest neighbor modeling
- Latent factor modeling
- An example of a hybrid model using contextual information is LightFM
Illustrating Time-Aware Recommenders
- A temporal feature is one of the most important contextual features we can include in a context-aware recommender
- For example, including a temoporal feature will capture variability in an item's preference over time
- Specificially, it could capture fashion changes for clothes over time
- Or, it could capture drifts in user preferences over time caused by changes in tastes
- To do this, we can use contextual hybrid modeling (using nearest neighbor or latent factor modeling)