Neighborhood-Based Collab Filtering

Introducing Recommendation Systems

  • The goal of any recommender system is to do the following:

    • Predict the ratings that a certain user would give to different catalog items
    • Create a list of recommendations by selecting
    • Rank those items with the highest predicted ratings
  • Collaborative filtering is used for creating recommendation systems

Introducing Collaborative Filtering

  • Under the hood, collaborative filtering uses a predictive model to predict a rating for a given pair of user and item
  • These predictions are based on how similar users rate similar items
  • Specifically, the model captures interactions between known users and items from the rating matrix
  • The benefit of collaborative filtering is that they're capable of making recommendations based only on the patterns and similarities available in the rating matrix
  • It has the following disadvantages:

    • Difficult to build reliable rating predictions if matrix is too sparse
    • Difficult to handle new users or items (cold start problem)
    • Somewhat biased towards popular items (difficult to pick up on unusual tastes)

Defining Types of Collaborative Filtering

  • Collaborative filtering algorithms are usually categorized into two subgroups:

    • Neighborhood-based methods
    • Model-based methods
  • Neighborhood-based methods predict unknown ratings for a given user or item by doing the following:

    • Finding the most similar known users or items
    • Averaging ratings from their records
  • Model-based methods go beyond the nearest neighbor approach

    • Specifically, they use more sophisticated, predictive models

Introducing Neighborhood-Based Collab Filtering

  • Neighborhood-based collaborative filtering relies on a similarity measure between users or items
  • Neighborhood-based collaborative filtering include the following steps:

    • Optionally predicting missing ratings in the ratings matrix
    • Creating a similarity matrix
    • Selecting kk similar users or items that should be included in the neighborhood
    • Predicting ratings by averaging neighbors' ratings

      • This average is based on the values of the kk nearest neighbors
  • Collaborative filtering can be mixed with neighborhood-based, content-based, and model-based recommendation methods

    • For example, one can perform a model-based method for initializing missing ratings (e.g. naive bayes model)
    • Or, one can perform a neighborhood-based method for initializing missing ratings (e.g. kk nearest neighbors)
    • Then, compute Pearson similarities between users or items based on this complete rating matrix
    • Lastly, make actual recommendations using neighborhood-based or model-based algorithms

Describing Neighborhood-Based Collaborative Filtering

  • The following are some popular similarity measures:

    • Pearson's correlation coefficient
    • Euclidean distance
    • Cosine similarity value
    • Discounted similarity value
    • Inverse user frequency
  • The following are some popular mean-centering formulas:

    • Baseline-centering
    • Amplification
    • Neighborhood selection
  • Specifically, these similarity values measures the similarity of ratings between two users or two items
  • These two cases are known as the following:

    • User-based similarity
    • Item-based similarity

Disadvantages of Neighborhood-Based Filtering

  • Has a narrow view of the problem

    • Focuses only on the kk nearest neighbors
  • Sometimes performance decreases on sparse data

    • Where, items/users have few common ratings
  • Relies on pairwise instance comparison and defers the computation of the recommendations until it is requested

    • This makes it challenging to split the computation between offline and online phases

Introducing Used-Based and Item-Based Filtering

  • The goal of user-based similarity is to find similar users:

    • Then, we can recommend items with similar ratings from these similar users
    • For example, a user-based approach can recommend items that have not been rated by the given user, but have been positively rated by at least some neighborhood users
  • The goal of item-based similarity is to find similar items:

    • Then, we can recommend items with similar ratings for the given user
    • For example, a user who positively rated a few items in the past will probably like items that are rated similarly to these past choices by many other users
  • The user-based and item-based approaches are structurally similar

    • They can use different measures
    • There are many different variants of similarity and rating averaging formulas for each approach

Illustrating User-Based Collaborative Filtering

  • Used-based collaborative filtering uses two key functions:

    • A similarity measure for users
    • A rating averaging formula
  • Suppose we had 44 customers interested in product discovery
  • Our first step would include computing a similarity matrix
User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4
User 1 1.00 0.87 0.94 -0.79
User 2 0.87 1.00 0.87 -0.84
User 3 0.94 0.87 1.00 -0.93
User 4 -0.79 -0.84 -0.93 1.00
  • Notice, the first three users are positively correlated with each other
  • This similarity matrix allows us to look up a neighborhood of the top kk most similar users for a given target user

    • Then, mix their ratings to make a prediction
  • Thus, we'll perform a rating averaging formula over the users
  • Lastly, we'll predict the missing ratings for products of a user using KNN regression

Describing Challenges of User-Based Filtering

  • In practice, user-based recommendation methods can face scalability challenges

    • Especially, as the number of system users approaches tens and hundreds of millions
    • If the neighborhoods are computed in advance, the amount of computations will be large
  • In addition, the target user profile might not be available in advance

    • E.g. the browsing history within the current web session
    • One possible way to work around this limitation is to switch from user similarities to item similarities

Illustrating Item-Based Collaborative Filtering

  • Our first step would include computing a similarity matrix
Movie 1 Movie 2 Movie 3 Movie 4
Movie 1 1.00 0.87 0.94 -0.79
Movie 2 0.87 1.00 0.87 -0.84
Movie 3 0.94 0.87 1.00 -0.93
Movie 4 -0.79 -0.84 -0.93 1.00
  • Notice, the first three movies are positively correlated with each other
  • This similarity matrix allows us to look up a neighborhood of the top kk most similar movies for a given target movie

    • Then, mix their ratings to make a prediction
  • Thus, we'll perform a rating averaging formula over the movies
  • Lastly, we'll predict the missing ratings for movies of a user using KNN regression

Illustrating Differences in User- and Item-Based Filtering

  • To reiterate, the goal of user-based recommendations is to generate recommendations based on similar users, whereas the goal of item-based recommendations is to generate recommendations based on similar items

    • As an example, suppose we have a Spotify rating matrix where users refer to listeners and items refer to songs
    • In this example, suppose I'm receiving a recommendation when my favorite genres are country and jazz
    • An item-based recommender would return recommended songs based on other similar songs

      • As a result, I may be recommended a song that is similar to other country songs I like
      • Or, I may be recommended a song that is similar to other jazz songs I like
      • Thus, I'll eventually receive a mix of recommended jazz and country songs over time
    • A user-based recommender would return recommended songs based on other similar listeners

      • As a result, I may be recommended a song that other listeners liked who also enjoy country and jazz
      • Thus, I'll eventually receive a mix of recommended jazz and country songs over time
  • Notice, user-based and item-based are structurally similar

    • The only difference is the nature of their similarity measure
    • As a result, we should expect the recommendations to be somewhat similar between the two
    • To find the right one for our needs, we'll likely need to do some experimentation

Comparing User-Based and Item-Based Filtering

  • Since the item-based similarity matrix is comparatively much smaller, item-based approaches are typially more scalable
  • User-based approaches capture certain relationships that might not be recognized by item-based methods
  • The ratio between the number of users and items is useful if we're wanting to use one over the other
  • However, some advanced recommendation methods combine item-based and user-based models to take advantage of both methods



Content-Based Filtering

Model-Based Collab Filtering