Describing an ARIMA Model

  • An autoregressive integrated moving average (or ARIMA) model is a time-series model
  • Similar to the ARMA mode, the ARIMA model combines the autoregressive (AR) model and moving average (MA) model together in the same way
  • The only difference between the two models is the ARIMA model includes an additional component to the ARMA model, which is represented by the integrated segment of ARIMA
  • This additional component tries to ensure our ARMA model satisfies the stationarity assumption made by the ARMA model (and other time-series models)
  • Specifically, it ensures our ARMA model satisfies the constant mean criteria of the stationarity assumption
  • Essentially, we would only use an ARIMA model over an ARMA model if the mean of our time-series data is not constat
  • Otherwise, we may as well use an ARMA model if stationarity is already satisfied

Defining an ARIMA Model

  • An ARIMA model is parameterized as the following:

    ARIMA(p,d,k)ARIMA(p, d, k)
    • Where pp is the same as the autoregression parameter found in the AR and ARMA model (i.e. number of lags to be included in the model)
    • Where kk is the same as the moving average parameter found in the MA and ARMA model (i.e. order)
    • Where dd is the number of sequential transformations (specifically differences) that will be performed on the ARMA model
  • When we transform our ARMA model, we are typically just calculating the differences between each neighboring time periods
  • Therefore, we will always have one less point after our transformation
  • Typically, ARIMA models work very well to ensure stationarity on models that are initially linear
  • Usually it would suffice to only set d=1d=1 to only perform one difference, but it depends on the exact task at hand

Steps of ARIMA Model

  1. Build an ARMA model, such as the following:
st=β0+β1st1+θ1ϵt1s_{t} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}s_{t-1} + \theta_{1}\epsilon_{t-1}
  1. Transform the ARMA model to ensure stationarity, such as the following:
zt=st+1stz_{t} = s_{t+1} - s_{t}
  1. Work with ztz_{t} for graphing the transformed residuals, plotting ACF/PRCF charts, or making predictions of ztz_{t}
  2. Transform ztz_{t} back to sts_{t} if we want to return to our original format

Example of ARIMA

  • Let's say we have the simplest form of ARIMA
  • We could define our model as
zt=β0+β1zt1+θ1ϵt1+ϵtz_{t} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}z_{t-1} + \theta_{1}\epsilon_{t-1} + \epsilon_{t} zt^=β0+β1zt1+θ1ϵt1\hat{z_{t}} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}z_{t-1} + \theta_{1}\epsilon_{t-1} where zt=st+1st\text{where } z_{t} = s_{t+1} - s_{t}
  • Therefore, we can recover any sus_{u} using the following formula:

    sum(zu1)+srsum(z_{u-1}) + s_{r}
    • Where uu is the index of the data point we are interested in transforming back
    • Where ii is the index of the data point of the index of our summation function
    • Where rr is the findal index of the data point that was excluded from out transformation data




Exponential Smoothing