Describing a SARIMA Model
- A SARIMA model is an ARIMA model that accounts for seasonality
- Here, seasonality just refers to a repeating pattern within a year (i.e. can't be a two-year pattern)
A SARIMA model is defined as the following:
- Where refers to the order of the autoregressive portion of the ARIMA model
- Where refers to the order of the integrated portion of the ARIMA model (i.e. how many times we take a difference to get our model to be stationary)
- Where refers to the order of the moving average portion of the ARIMA model
- Where refers to the seasonal factor (i.e. the number of distinct periods within a year that make up a single seasonal pattern that is repeated over time)
- Where refers to the order of the autoregressive portion of the ARIMA model, with an additional seasonal component
- Where refers to the order of the integrated porition of the ARIMA model, with an additional seasonal component
- Where refers to the order of the order of the moving average porition of the ARIMA model, with an additional seasonal component
- A SARIMA model can also be written as an ARIMA model:
- This is because we're technically backshifting parameters and by (i.e. )
Example of SARIMA Model
- Let's say we define the following SARIMA model:
The parameter with a value equal to can be translated to the following:
- Where is our lag operator representing
- Where is the slope of our variable
- Therefore, is just shorthand for
The parameter with a value equal to can be translated to the following:
- Where is our lag operator representing
- Therefore, is just shorthand for
The parameter with a value equal to can be translated to the following:
Where is our lag operator representing
- Where is the error of the fourth previous predicted value and what we observed
- Where represents the percentage of the error we should include in our model
- Therefore, is just shorthand for
- We can continue to simplify our SARIMA model to the following formulas:
- Since is based on parameter
- Now, we've transformed our ARIMA model to account for seasonality by taking differences , which will lead to a more stationary model