Hierarchical Clustering

Describing Hierarchical Clustering

  • Hierarchical clustering is a clustering method that seeks to build a hierarchy of clusters
  • There are two types of hierarchical cluster: agglomerative clustering and divisive clustering
  • The results of hierarchical clustering are usually presented a dendrogram
  • A dendrogram is a tree-like diagram that shows the hierarchical relationship between object
  • The k-means algorithm returns a simple (or flat) partition, which is a single set of clusters with no particular organization (or structure) within them
  • On the other hand, hierarchical clustering returns either an agglomerative or divisive partition, which is a single set of clusters that are closely related to other clusters (and distantly related to other clusters)

Types of Hierarchical Clustering

  • Hierarchical agglomerative clustering is a bottom-up clustering approach, where each observation starts in its own cluster and merge together as we move up the hierarchy
  • Hierarchical divisive clustering is a top-down approach, where all observations start in one cluster and are split apart as we move down the hierarchy
  • Hierarchical clustering involves calculating measures of dissimilarity between observations so that we can decide which cluster should be combined (for agglomerative clustering) or split (for divisive clustering)

Simple Use-Cases of Hierarchical Clustering

  • Using hierarchical clustering may make it easier to notice subsets or supersets of pre-defined classes
  • For example, we might want to find clusters for roses and marigolds within a cluster of flowers if we are clustering images
  • On the other hand, we also might want to find a super-cluster of respiratory complaints for sub-clusters pneumonia and influenza

Ward's Method

  • We've already seen an approach for minimizing the sum-of-squares in k-means clustering
  • Ward's method is the approach for minimizing the sum-of-squares in hierarchical agglomerative clustering
  • Ward's method merges clusters that produce the smallest merging cost
  • The merging cost is the increase in sum-of-squares when merging two clusters
  • Specifically, the merging cost is defined as the following:

    δ(a,o)=nanona+no(mamo)2\delta(a,o) = \frac{n_{a}n_{o}}{n_{a}+n_{o}}(\Vert m_{a}-m_{o} \Vert)^{2}
    • Where aa and oo are two clusters considered to be merged together
    • Where nan_{a} is the number of points in cluster aa
    • Where non_{o} is the number of points in cluster oo
    • Where mam_{a} is the mean (or centroid) of cluster aa
    • Where mom_{o} is the mean (or centroid) of cluster oo
  • The algorithm for Ward's method is the following:

    1. Start with each point in a cluster by itself (sum-of-squares = 0)
    2. Merge the two clusters that produce the smallest increase in the sum-of-squares (i.e. the smallest merging cost)
    3. Keep merging until we've reached kk clusters
  • Ward's method is nested (the partition of size kk is contained within the partition of size k+1k+1) and greedy (always picks the current smallest cost without worrying if this will impose larger costs later on)
  • Meaning, Ward's method generally does not produce a sum-of-squares as small as k-means

The Single-Link Method

  • The single-link method is another approach for minimizing the sum-of-squares in hierarchical agglomerative clustering
  • The single-link clustering method can handle any cluster shape
  • However, the single-link clustering method doesn't care about compactness or size-balance
  • Instead, the single-link clustering method should only be used if we care about separation (of distance)
  • The single-link clustering method merges clusters only if two points are close enough
  • The algorithm for the single-link method is the following:

    1. Start with each point in a cluster by itself (sum-of-squares = 0)
    2. Merge the two clusters that produce the smallest gap (distance between the two closest points)
    3. Keep merging until we've reached kk clusters

Advantages of Hierarchical Clustering

  1. More interpretable compared to k-means

    • Since hierarchical clustering can depict its split or merged levels through dendrograms, we can understand the relationships between clusters (as opposed to k-means clustering)
  2. Better understand what kk should be

    • We're able to better understand what kk should be because we're able to observe the trade-off between separation and size-balance
    • If there are well-separated clusters, then it's better to merge smaller (in size) clusters
    • This is because Ward's algorithm will sometimes merge clusters which are further apart but smaller
    • On the other hand, the k-means algorithm gives no guidance about what kk should be

Caveat to Clustering

  • Typically, we want to determine how many clusters we should include in our data
  • We also want to know if two data points belong to the same cluster, which is a related question
  • Unfortunately, there is currently very little theory about how to find the right number of clusters
  • At the moment, we really don't even know what "the right number of clusters" means
  • Therefore, we should always use cross-validation when determining our clusters to see how often the points in question wind up in the same cluster
  • If they don't fall into the same clusters repeatedly, then we should be skeptical of those clusters at the given moment
  • Specifically, we should also look at dendrogram (i.e. tree structure) on new data to see if the leaves are different
  • Then, we should how much the shape of the tree changes to measure the merging costs at each level, in order to get a good idea of how many clusters we should have


