Concurrency Options

When is Concurrency Useful in Python?

  • Concurrency can help solve two types of problems:

    • CPU-bound operations
    • I/O-bound operations
  • Improving performance of these operations involves:

    • I/O-bound: Finding ways to overlap time spent waiting
    • CPU-bound: Finding ways to do more computations in the same amount of time
  • In Python, a good solution of concurrency for one operation may not work well for the other

Describing Concurrency in Python

  • Concurrency in CPython is hindered by the GIL
  • CPython supports the following for a single process:

    • CPU-bound threads can't run concurrently
    • I/O-bound threads can run concurrently
  • CPython allows multithreading for I/O-bound threads
  • Therefore, we should apply the following:

    • Multithreading for I/O-bound threads
    • Multiprocessing for CPU-bound threads
  • As a result, we achieve the following:

    • Lightweight, concurrent I/O-bound threads
    • Heavyweight, parallelized CPU-bound threads

Different Approaches of asyncio and threading

  • Both asyncio and threading involve tasks and threads
  • They differ by how their threads and tasks take turns
  • Specifically, the two libraries involve the following:

    • threading involves pre-emptive multitasking
    • asyncio involves cooperative multitasking

Motivating Pre-Emptive Multitasking

  • The threading library involves pre-emptive multitasking
  • Pre-emptive multitasking ensures each process with a regular slice of CPU time
  • This is done by the operating system
  • As a result, the OS is responsible for the following:

    • The OS pauses threads
    • The OS resumes threads
    • The OS switches between threads
  • Consequently, we can't influence when threads should switch
  • Meaning, a switch could happen during a trivial x=x+1x=x+1
  • However, this is usually not an issue

Motivating Cooperative Multitasking

  • The asyncio library involves cooperative multitasking
  • Cooperative multitasking ensures each task announces when to give up CPU time
  • As a result, some of the responsibilites handled by the OS are transitioned to the user
  • Meaning, we gain the potential benefit of choosing when to switch between tasks

Illustrating the Options of Concurrency

Concurrency Type Python Package Switching Decision Number of Processors
Pre-emptive multitasking threading The OS decides when to switch tasks (external to Python) 11
Cooperative multitasking asyncio The tasks decide when to give up control (internal to Pythion) 11
Multiprocessing multiprocessing The processes all run at the same time on different processors Many

Option 1: Multithreading for I/O

  • The benefits are the following:

    • Very fast
    • Concurrent
  • The disadvantages are the following:

    • Amount of code can grow quickly
    • Need to worry about raceconditions
    • Need to worry about deadlocks
    • Difficult to debug
  • An example of multithreaded code:
>>> from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
>>> from requests import Session
>>> import threading

>>> loc = threading.local()

>>> def get_session():
...     if not hasattr(loc, 'session'):
...         loc.session = Session()
...     return loc.session

>>> def download_site(url):
...     session = get_session()
...     with session.get(url) as resp:
...         print('Finished reading site')

>>> def download_all_sites(sites):
...     with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as exec:
..., sites)

>>> sites = [
...     '',
...     '',
... ] * 80

>>> download_all_sites(sites)  # Takes 3.7 secs
  • The execution diagram looks like this:


Option 2: Asyncio for I/O

  • The benefits are the following:

    • Very fast
    • Concurrent
    • Single threaded (lightweight)
    • Very scalable

      • Creating hundreds of tasks is more scalable than creating hundreds of threads for each session
  • The disadvantages are the following:

    • Need non-blocking functions specific to asyncio
    • One tasks can destroy performance for other tasks
  • An example of asynchronous code:
>>> from asyncio import create_task, gather, run
>>> from aiohttp import ClientSession

>>> async def download_site(session, url):
...     async with session.get(url) as resp:
...         print('Finished reading site')

>>> async def download_all_sites(sites):
...     async with ClientSession() as sess:
...         tasks = []
...         for url in sites:
...             t = create_task(download_site(sess, url))
...             tasks.append(t)
...         await gather(*tasks)

>>> sites = [
...     '',
...     '',
... ] * 80

>>> run(download_all_sites(sites))  # Takes 2.6 secs
  • The execution diagram looks like this:


Option 3: Multiprocessing for CPU

  • The benefits are the following:

    • Parallelized
    • Runs on multiple CPU cores
    • Fairly intuitive
    • Similar to synchronous code
    • Fast for CPU-bound operations
  • The disadvantages are the following:

    • Some strange components
    • Slow for I/O-bound operations
  • An example of multiprocessed code:
>>> from multiprocessing import Pool

>>> def cpu_bound(num):
...     return sum(i*i for i in range(num))

>>> def find_sums(nums):
...     with Pool() as pool:
..., nums)

>>> nums = [5000000+x for x in range(20)]

>>> find_sums(nums)  # Takes 2.5 secs
  • The execution diagram looks like this:




Event Loop