
Introducing Subroutines and Coroutines

  • Subroutines and coroutines are an abstraction of:

    • An instruction pointer
    • A call stack
  • An instruction pointer is a pointer to the current instruction

    • This is useful when dealing with generators
    • This is because generators need to know where to resume
    • So, they must know where to resume on the call stack
  • A call stack is a collection of code relevant to its scope
  • These pieces of code include the following:

    • Local variables
    • Functions
    • etc.
  • The following are examples of subroutines and coroutines:

    • subroutines: functions, procedures, etc.
    • coroutine: generator, etc.

Defining a Subroutine

  • A subroutine is represented by a stack frame
  • A stack frame represents a function call
  • This stack frame gets pushed on a call stack
  • A call stack is a data structure that tracks running subroutines
  • A function is an example of a subroutine

Walkthrough of a Subroutine

  • Consider the following subroutine:
>>> def subroutine1(foo):
...     print(foo)
...     return 'done'

>>> def subroutine2():
...     s = 'start'
...     d = subroutine1(s)
...     d = d + '!!!'
...     return d

>>> subroutine2()  # run -- notice how we can't suspend
  • Python will do the following when subroutine2 is called:

    1. Execute subroutine2

      1. Create a stack frame for subroutine2

        • A stack frame represents a frame of data
        • This frame of data represents a function call
        • This frame should allocate space for s and d too
      2. Push this frame of data onto the call stack

        • A call stack is a data structure tracking subroutines
      3. Execute s = 'start'
      4. Execute d = subroutine1(s)

        • Create a stack frame for subroutine1
        • This frame should allocate space for foo
      5. Execute print(foo)
      6. Execute return 'done'

        • This includes pushing done to the calling function
        • This includes exiting subroutine1
      7. d = subroutine1(s) saves return value to d
      8. Execute d = d + '!!!'
      9. Execute return d

        • This includes exiting subroutine2
        • This includes returning done!!!

Defining a Coroutine

  • A coroutine is similar to a subroutine
  • However, a coroutine can:

    • Suspend a function without destroying its state
    • Resume a function since state is not destroyed
  • Coroutine function suspension feels like setting a breakpoint

Walkthrough of a Coroutine

  • Consider the following coroutine:
>>> def gen(foo):
...     yield foo
...     return 'done'

>>> def coroutine():
...     s = 'start'
...     d = yield from gen(s)
...     d = d + '!!!'
...     return d

>>> f = coroutine()
>>> next(f)
>>> next(f)  # resume -- notice how we can suspend
StopIteration: 'done!!!'
  • Python will do the following when coroutine is called:

    1. Execute f = coroutine()

      1. Create a stack frame for coroutine

        • A stack frame represents a frame of data
        • This frame of data represents a function call
        • This frame should allocate space for s and d too
      2. Push this frame of data onto the call stack

        • A call stack is a data structure tracking subroutines
    2. Execute next(f)

      1. Execute s = start
      2. Execute d = yield from gen(s)

        1. Create a stack frame for gen
        2. Push this frame of data onto the call stack
      3. Execute yield foo

        • This includes pushing foo to the calling function
        • This includes pushing pointer for resuming later
        • This includes suspending gen
      4. yield from gen(s) yields foo as output

        • This includes suspending coroutine
        • This includes returning 'start'
    3. Execute next(f)

      1. Resume coroutine

        • This includes resuming coroutine where we left off
        • This resumes gen at d = yield from gen(s)
      2. Execute return 'done'

        • This includes pushing done to the calling function
        • This doesn't include pushing a pointer
        • This is because gen has finished executing
      3. d = yield from gen(s) saves return value to d
      4. Execute d = d + '!!!'
      5. Execute return d

        • This includes exiting coroutine
        • This includes returning StopIteration: done!!!

Summarizing Subroutines and Coroutines

  • The main difference between the two routines:

    • Subroutines can suspend functions once using return
    • Coroutines can suspend functions frequently using yield
  • Once a function is suspended:

    • Subroutines can't resume again
    • Coroutines can resume again (using next() logic)
  • The output of each routine:

    • Subroutines return data values
    • Coroutines yield a data value, call stack, and pointer
  • Specifically, coroutines are good for:

    • Looping over large data objects
    • Asynchronous I/O

Describing yield from

  • A subroutine can do the following:

    • Go down the call stack with return
    • Go up the call stack with ()
  • A coroutine can do the following:

    • Go down the call stack with yield
    • Go up the call stack with yield from
  • yield from includes two steps:

    1. yield:

      • yield: yield a value yielded by a sub-generator
      • Thus, suspending execution until resumed by next()
    2. from:

      • from: Receiving a return value from a sub-generator
      • After initial suspension, it will resume the sub-generator again if next() is called on the generator
      • Then, it will receive a return value from a sub-generator

Comparing yield and yield from

  • yield from and yield are similar by:

    • Suspending foo until bar finishes
    • Running the bar generator function
  • yield from differs from yield in some ways:

    • Reading data from a generator without looping
    • Receives a return value from a sub-generator
  • In other words, yield from does the following:

    • Improves readability by implicitly looping
    • Allows us to return and manipulate data between generators

Benefit 1: Reading data without Looping

>>> def bar():
...     yield 1
...     yield 2
...     yield 3

>>> def foo():
...     # for i in bar():    # Replaced these
...     #     yield i        # lines...
...     yield from bar()     # ...with this line

>>> for i in foo(): print(i)

Benefit 2: Manipulating Data from Sub-Generator

>>> def inner(j):
...     yield j
...     return j

>>> def outer():
...     yield 'before'
...     i = yield from inner(1)
...	yield i+1
...     yield 'after'

>>> for i in outer(): print(i)

Describing async and await

  • Python 3.5 introduced async and await
  • Essentially, await replaced yield from
  • This was to enforce a cleare role of coroutines
  • Again, they mainly changed for clarity purposes:
>>> # Python 3.4 and older
>>> def foo():               # subroutine?
...     return None
>>> def bar():
...     yield from foobar()  # generator? coroutine?

>>> # Python 3.5
>>> async def foo():         # coroutine!
...     await foobar()       # coroutine!
...     return None

Differentiating Coroutines from Generators

  • A generator can be used in two different contexts:

    1. As an iterator
    2. As a coroutine
  • Therefore, a coroutine is a generator
  • Generators and coroutines have many similarities:

    • They both can yield
    • They both can pause functions
  • However, they differ in one key area:

    • A coroutine can contain yield and await
    • A generator only contains yield
  • In other words, a coroutine receives a value returned by a generator



Intro to Asyncio API
