Defining a Heapq
- A heapq is a queue that is automatically sorted
Essentially, a heapq can be viewed as a Python list that:
- Supports queue-like functions
- Automatically sorts itself using a heapsort sorting algorithm
- Specifically, a heapq will resort once elements are pushed and popped from the queue
- For this reason, a heapq is referred to as a priority queue
A heapq is a queue that:
- Is ordered
- Is indexed
- Is mutable
- Allows duplicates
Creating a Heapq
>>> import heapq
>>> ages = [56, 48, 20]
>>> heapq.heapify(ages)
>>> print(ages)
[20, 48, 56]
Accessing a Heapq
>>> import heapq
>>> ages = [56, 48, 20]
>>> heapq.heapify(ages)
>>> print(ages[3])
Adding to a Heapq
>>> import heapq
>>> ages = [56, 48, 20]
>>> heapq.heappush(ages, 38)
>>> print(ages)
[20, 38, 56, 48]
Removing from a Heapq
>>> import heapq
>>> ages = [56, 20, 48]
>>> youngest = heapq.heappop(ages)
>>> print(youngest)
Finding Smallest from a Heapq
>>> import heapq
>>> ages = [48, 56, 20]
>>> young = heapq.nsmallest(2, ages)
>>> print(young)
[20, 48]
Finding Largest from a Heapq
>>> import heapq
>>> ages = [48, 20, 56]
>>> old = heapq.nlargest(2, ages)
>>> print(old)
[56, 48]