Gunicorn Design

Describing the Server Model

  • Gunicorn is based on the pre-fork worker model
  • This means that there is a central master process
  • This master process manages a set of worker processes
  • The master never knows anything about individual clients
  • All requests and responses are handled completely by worker processes

Details about Pre-Fork Models

  • Pre-forking refers to a master creating a fork
  • This fork handles each request
  • A fork refers to a completely separate process
  • Pre refers to the processes before a request comes in
  • This model differs from a threading model
  • In a threading model, the master creates light-weight threads to dispatch requests
  • However, this master process can have repercussions if a thread causes an error in a threading model

Describing the Master Process

  • The master process is a simple loop
  • This loop listens for various process signals and reacts accordingly
  • It manages the list of running workers by listening for signals
  • These include TTIN, TTOU, and CHLD
  • TTIN and TTOU inform the master to increase or decrease the number of running workers
  • CHLD indicates that a child process has terminated

Describing Sync Workers

  • A Gunicorn worker is a process
  • The most basic and default worker is synchronous
  • Synchronous workers handle a single request at a time
  • This approach is the simplest for error handling
  • This is because an error will affect a single request at most
  • sync workers do not support persistent connections
  • Each connection is closed after response has been sent

Describing Async Workers

  • The asynchronous workers available are based on Greenlets

    • Via Eventlet and Gevent
  • Greenlets are an implementation of cooperative multi-threading for Python
  • Asynchronous workers can handle hundreds of requests without blocking
  • This is why they're used to ease DOS attacks

Choosing a Worker Type

  • The default synchronous workers assume that your application is resource-bound in terms:

    • CPU
    • Network bandwidth
  • Meaning, our applications shouldn't do anything that takes an undefined amount of time
  • A server request is an example of this
  • If traffic becomes heavy, then async workers should be used
  • This resource bound assumption is why we require a buffering proxy in front of a default configuration Gunicorn
  • If sync workers are used, a DOS attack becomes trivial
  • This is because it creates a load that trickles data to the servers
  • The following are examples of behavior requiring async workers:

    • Applications making long blocking calls
    • Serving requests directly to the internet
    • Streaming requests and responses
    • Long polling
    • Web sockets

How Many Workers?

  • The number of workers should not equal the number of expected clients
  • Gunicorn should only need 4124-12 worker processes
  • This will handle hundreds or thousands of requests per second
  • Too many workers will compromise system resources
  • Gunicorn relies on the operating system for load balancing when handling requests

Defining the Number of Workers

  • The number of workers should equal:
numbers of threads×number of workers+1\text{numbers of threads} \times \text{number of workers} + 1 =(2×numcores)+1= (2 \times numcores) + 1
  • The intuition behind this formula is the following:

    • +1: One worker should be reserved for scheduling
    • 2n: While one thread is doing I/O and waiting, and another thread is used for CPU
  • As an illustration, we can set the number of workers to be 22:
$ gunicorn --workers=2 'test:create_app()'
  • This is a trade-off between the following:

    • The overhead of the GIL (threads)
    • The memory overhead of starting new processes (workers)
  • Meaning, we need to adjust the two: threads and workers

How Many Threads?

  • Using threads assumes use of the gthread worker
  • Using threads instead of processes can reduce the memory footprint of Gunicorn
  • Threads in Gunicorn are always real
  • The GIL locks the interpreter while interpreting a CPython thread
  • Consequently, CPython threads can't work simultaneously
  • Therefore, the CPython threads executed in Gunicorn will suffer from this same problem
  • However, this doesn't mean threading in general is useless
  • Specifically, multiple threads can be used without locking
  • In particular, multiple threads can be processed concurrently
  • This is true for threads that don't require interpretation:

    • Threads that are I/O bound
    • Threads that use C extensions for interpretation



Signal Handling