Worker Processes

Describing the workers Setting

  • The setting in the configuration file is:

    • workers
  • The setting in the CLI is:

    • --workers INT
  • It defaults to 1
  • This setting specifies the number of worker processes for handling requests
  • Generally, this parameter is in the range of:
(2×numcores)+1(2 \times numcores) + 1
  • Here, nn is some number between 22 and 44
  • We'll want to adjust nn to find the nn that best handles our application's work load

Describing the worker_class Setting

  • The setting in the configuration file is:

    • worker_class
  • The setting in the CLI is:

    • --worker-class STRING
  • It defaults to sync
  • This setting specifies the types of workers
  • Some valid types of workers are:

    • sync
    • eventlet
    • gevent
    • tornado
    • gthread

Describing the threads Setting

  • The setting in the configuration file is:

    • threads
  • The setting in the CLI is:

    • --threads INT
  • It defaults to 1
  • This setting specifies the number of threads per worker
  • These threads are used for handling requests
  • This parameter only goes into effect when gthread is the worker_class

Describing the worker_connections Setting

  • The setting in the configuration file is:

    • worker_connections
  • The setting in the CLI is:

    • --worker-connections INT
  • It defaults to 1000
  • This setting specifies the maximum number of simulataneous clients
  • This setting only affects the eventlet and gevent worker types

Describing the max_requests Setting

  • The setting in the configuration file is:

    • max_requests
  • The setting in the CLI is:

    • --max-requests INT
  • It defaults to 0
  • This setting specifies the number of requests that a worker will process before restarting
  • Since the default is 00, the restarts are disabled
  • This helps limit the damage of memory leaks

Describing the max_requests_jitter Setting

  • The setting in the configuration file is:

    • max_requests_jitter
  • The setting in the CLI is:

    • --max-requests-jitter INT
  • It defaults to 0
  • This setting specifies the maximum jitter to add to max_requests
  • The jitter causes the restart per worker to be randomized by randint(0, max_requests_jitter)
  • This is used to avoid workers from restarting simultaneously

Describing the timeout Setting

  • The setting in the configuration file is:

    • timeout
  • The setting in the CLI is:

    • --timeout INT
  • It defaults to 30
  • This setting specifies the seconds for which workers need to be silent until they are killed and restarted
  • Generally, this is set to 3030 seconds

Describing the graceful_timeout Setting

  • The setting in the configuration file is:

    • graceful_timeout
  • The setting in the CLI is:

    • --graceful-timeout INT
  • It defaults to 30
  • This setting specifies the timeout needed for greaceful workers to restart
  • After receiving a restart signal, workers have this much time to finish serving requests
  • Workers still alive after the timeout are restarted

Describing the keepalive Setting

  • The setting in the configuration file is:

    • keepalive
  • The setting in the CLI is:

    • --keep-alive INT
  • It defaults to 2
  • This setting specifies the seconds that requests should be waited on until blocked
  • Specifically, this refers to a keep-alive connection
  • Generally, this is set to 151-5 seconds



Server Socket
