

  • The islice function is used to:

    • Cycle through each element of an iterable
    • Select a slice of elements from the iterable
    • This slice follows a step-pattern determined by step
  • This iterable is based on the itr parameter
  • This slice is between the start and stop indices
  • The start parameter is optional

    • It defaults to the first element of the iterable
  • The step parameter is optional as well

    • It defaults to 11
  • islice returns an iterator of every stepth^{th} element within the slice made up by start and stop

Illustrating the islice Function

>>> from itertools import islice
>>> letters = 'abcde'

>>> slice = islice(letters, 2)
>>> for i in slice: print(i)

>>> slice = islice(letters, 2, 4)
>>> for i in slice: print(i)

>>> slice = islice(letters, 2, None)
>>> for i in slice: print(i)

>>> slice = islice(letters, 0, None, 2)
>>> for i in slice: print(i)



