Iterables and Iterators

Describing Iterables and Iterators

  • An iterable is an object with an __iter__ method
  • An iterator is an object with an __next__ method
  • The following are examples of iterables:

    • Lists
    • Tuples
    • Dictionaries
    • Sets
    • Strings
  • All of these iterables have an __iter__ method
  • Calling __iter__ on an iterable will give us an iterator
>>> fruit = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']
>>> fruit_iter = iter(fruit)

>>> type(fruit)  # iterable
<class 'list'>
>>> type(fruit_iter)  # iterator
<class 'list_iterator'>

Describing Looping over Iterables

  • Recall some examples of iterables: strings, sets, etc.
  • Notice, we can loop over each of these iterables
  • Specifically, we can use a for loop to iterate through an iterable
  • This is because the for loop implicitly does the following:

    • Creates an iterator object
    • Then executes the __next__ method for each iteration
>>> # Explicit instructions
>>> for i in iterable:
... something with i...

>>> # Implicitly does this
>>> iterator = iter(iterable)
>>> while True:
...     try:
...         i = next(iterator)
... something with i...
...     except StopIteration:
...         break
  • The following is an example of this concept:
>>> fruit = 'lime'

>>> # Explicit instructions
>>> for i in fruit:
...     print(i)

>>> # Implicitly does this
>>> itr = iter(fruit) 
>>> while True:
...     try:
...         i = next(itr)
...         print(i)
...     except StopIteration:
...         break

Describing Looping over Iterators

  • We can loop over iterators as well
  • To summarize, we can loop over the following:

    • An iterable
    • An iterator
  • As stated previously, looping over an iterable involves converting an iterable to an iterator
  • We essentially skip over this step by looping over an iterator
  • Compared to looping over iterables, looping over an iterator provides the following benefits:

    • Skips the step of converting any iterable to an iterator
    • Decreased memory usage

      • We don't need to load an entire iterable into memory
      • An iterator only stores a definition that is required for iterating element-by-element over some iterable

Defining the Steps of Iteration

  • Let's say we have an iterable called mylist
  • This iterable is a list
  • Suppose we want to loop over our list like:
for x in mylist:
    ...loop body...
  • Then, Python performs the following steps during for loops:

    1. Gets an iterable mylist
    2. Call iter(mylist)

      • This returns an iterator object
      • An iterator object should have the __next__() method
    3. Use the iterator to loop over items

      • This involves calling the __next__() method
      • This output is assigned to x
      • Then, the loop body is executed
      • The loop is exited for any StopIteration
  • Python always performs the above steps for any looping
  • Meaning, Python performs these steps for while and for loops

Defining Lazy Evaluation using Iterators

  • Lazy evaluation refers to an object that:

    • Evaluates each element individually
    • Doesn't evaluate all elements at once
  • Python manifests lazy evaluation by implementing iterators
  • For example, the list [1,2,3][1,2,3] is an iterable

    • The list stores each integer 1,2,1,2, and 33 in memory
    • iter([1,2,3]) will create an iterator that is lazy
    • Meaning, it computes each integer in memory individually
  • Lazy evaluation is useful when:

    • Computing on a very large dataset
    • Looping over large data to compute each element
  • Specifically, it allows us to start using the data immediately, without reading the whole dataset into memory
  • As stated previously, iterators use lazy evaluation
  • On the other hand, iterables don't use lazy evaluation

    • This is because iterables store all of their data in memory


