Importing Modules

Importing a Module

  • Any Python source file can be used as a module
  • To load code as a module, use the import statement
  • The import statement does the following:

    1. Creates a new namespace

      • This namespace serves as a container for all the objects defined in the corresponding source file
    2. Executes code within the module

      • It executes module code contained within the newly created namespace
    3. Creates a name within the caller

      • This name refers to the module namespace
      • This name matches the name of the module

Accessing the Namespace of a Module

  • Modules ar first class objects in Python
  • Meaning, they can be assigned to the variables
  • These variables can be placed in data structures (e.g. lists)
  • Technically, a module object is a layer over a dictionary
  • This dictionary holds the contents of the module namespace
  • This dictionary is available as the __dict__ of a module



The from Statement