The Main Program

Describing Methods for File Execution

  • There are two way in which a source file can execute:

    1. Executing code in its own namespace

      • This is executed as a library module
      • This refers to executing import statement
    2. Executing code as the main program

      • This occurs when we supply the program as the script name to the interpreter
      • This refers to executing python3

Describing Method 2: Executing as __main__

  • Each module defines a variable __name__
  • This variable contains the module name
  • Programs can examine this variable to determine the module in which they are executing
  • The top-level module of the interpreter is named __main__

    • Programs specified on the command line run inside the __main__ module
# Check if running as a program
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
...     # Yes
...     statements
... else:
...     # No, I must have been imported as a module
...     statements
  • Typically, libraries use this technique for including optional testing or example code
  • For example, suppose we're developing a a module
  • We can put code for testing the features of our library inside the if block
  • This code won't run for users who import our library



The from Statement

Module Search Path