
Describing join(timeout=None)

  • The join method waits until:

    • The thread terminates
    • Or a timeout occurs
  • The timeout represents the seconds until timeout
  • In t.join(), the main thread will be blocked until thread t finishes executing
  • Then, the main thread waits until thread t has finished
  • Once t finishes, then the main thread can resume execution
  • Specifically, the main thread starts executes code after join
  • Essentially, the main thread is paused until thread t finishes

Caveats of join

  • A thread cannot join itself
  • A thread cannot join before it has started
  • Note, the scheduling of threads is done by the OS
  • Implying, the order in which threads are run is determined by the operating system
  • Meaning, multiple runs will produce different orderings
  • Each thread's order of execution will vary from run to run

Setup Code for join

# sleepy.py
>>> import logging
>>> from threading import Thread
>>> import time

>>> def sleepy():
...     print('thread started')
...     time.sleep(10)
...     print('thread done')

Example without join

>>> t = Thread(target=sleepy)
>>> t.start()
thread started
>>> print('main done')
main done
thread done

Example with join

>>> t = Thread(target=sleepy)
>>> t.start()
thread started
>>> t.join()  # haults any further execution
thread done   # until thread finishes
>>> print('main done')  # now we can print
main done



