
Describing the queue Module

  • The queue module implements various mulitproducer multiconsumer queues
  • These can be used to safely exchange information between multiple threads
  • The queue module defines three different queue classes:

    • Queue
    • LifoQueue
    • PriorityQueue
  • An instance q of any of these constructors can be created

Describing Queue(maxsize=0)

  • This class creates a FIFO queue
  • maxsize is the maximum number of items that can be placed in the queue
  • If maxsize is omitted or 00, then the queue size is infinite

Describing LifoQueue(maxsize=0)

  • This class creates a LIFO queue
  • A LIFO queue is also known as a stack

Describing PriorityQueue(maxsize=0)

  • This class creates a priority queue in which items are ordered from lowest to highest priority
  • When working with this queue, items should be tuples
  • These tuples should take the form of (priority, data)

Summarizing Instance Methods

  • Each q instance should call get on the queue to retrieve a task

    • This call will block if no tasks are available
    • This will causes workers to go idle until one becomes available
  • Then, the worker should execute the task
  • Once the tasks is done, task_done shoul dbe called on q
  • We can put tasks in q by calling put
  • Calling join on q will wait until all pending tasks have completed

Benefit of Queues

  • Using queues instead of thread pools has the following benefit:

    • Not creating threads, which is expensive
    • Not destroying threads, which is expensive
  • The worker threads will run continuously
  • When no tasks are in the queue, the queue will sleep
  • This won't use any CPU time



