Survival Analysis

Defining Targeting Models

  • Customer targeting typically involves three models:

    • Propensity model
    • Time-to-event model
    • Lifetime value model
  • These models can be used individually or together
  • A propensity model estimates the probability of a customer doing some event
  • A time-to-event model estimates the number of days until a customer does some event
  • A lifetime value model estimates the value of a customer
  • The events in a propensity or time-to-event model include:

    • A candidate responding to an email campaign
    • A customer puchasing a specific product
    • A customer expanding to a new product
    • A customer purchasing additional units of a prduct
    • A customer changing shopping habits
    • A customer churning
  • All three of these models can help determine the impact of this event

Motivating Time-to-Event Analysis

  • Propensity models estimate the probability of outcomes of marketing actions
  • The shortcomings of propensity models include:

    1. Can't translate to time-until-event

      • This is known as survival time
      • This is usually more convenient and efficient for interpretation
    2. Sometimes difficult to create response labels in the training set

      • This is known as censored data
      • E.g. easy to mislabel labels for churn
  • Specifically, time-to-event can produce more actionable insights
  • For example, a propensity model can estimate the conditional probability of a purchase by a customer given a discount is 0.80.8
  • Whereas, a time-to-event model can estimate:

    • A customer is likely to make a purchase in 1010 days
    • This time can be reduced by 55 days by offering a discount of 0.80.8
  • In this example, the time-to-event model may be more useful to us

Describing the Problems of Censored Data

  • Censored data refers to data that is defined by a lack of an event, causing it to have an unknown event time
  • For example, suppose we're interested in modeling churn propensity
  • We're able to determine customers who have purchased
  • However, censored data occurs for data when it is difficult to distinguish between:

    • Customers who haven't purchased
    • Customers who haven't purchased yet
  • Consequently, one can argue that labeling customers as churned or not-churned is not really valid
  • Suggesting, it isn't accurate to use classification models with a binary outcome determined on the basis of currently observed outcomes
  • As a result, we can use a different framework like survival models

Defining Terminology for Time-to-Event Models

  • The above limitations of propensity modeling can be addressed by using survival analysis
  • Survival models can properly handle:

    • Censored data (i.e records with potentially unknown outcomes)
    • Predicting the expected time-to-event (or survival time)
    • Specifying how marketing actions and customer properties can accelerate or decelerate an event
  • The main goal of survival analysis is to do the following:

    • Predict the time to an event of interest
    • Quantitatively explain how this time depends on the properties of the treatment, individuals, and other independent variables
  • A treatment (i.e. business decision) is typically an incentive or trigger

    • E.g. a promotion
  • An event (i.e. customer action) is typically one of the following:

    • A purchase
    • A promotion redemption
    • A subscription cancellation
    • Or any other customer action
  • Survival time is the time between a treatment and event
  • Censored data refers to data that is defined by a lack of an event, causing it to have an unknown event time
  • Most survival models consist of two key components:

    • A survival function
    • A hazard function


Defining the Survival Function

  • A survival function outputs the probability that an event hasn't occurred in a time period

    • This is also referred to as the probability to survive
  • The survival function SS is defined as the following:
S(t)=Pr(T>t)=10tf(τ)dτS(t) = \text{Pr}(T > t) = 1 - \int_{0}^{t} f(\tau)d \tau
  • Where, tt is a given point in time
  • Where, TT is the survival time of a customer
  • Where, S(t)S(t) outputs the fraction of customers who have not yet experienced the event by time point tt
  • Where, Pr(Tt)=0tf(τ)dτ\text{Pr}(T \le t) = \int_{0}^{t} f(\tau)d \tau is the probability of a customer experiencing an event by a time point tt

Describing the Survival Function

  • Typically, the survival function SS is estimated
  • To estimate the survival function, we must assume independence
  • Then, the estimated survival function can be obtained by multiplying the probabilities for survival from one interval to the next
  • Formally, the probability to survive to time tt can be estimated as:
St=ntdtnt=1dtntS_{t} = \frac{n_{t} - d_{t}}{n_{t}} = 1 - \frac{d_{t}}{n_{t}}
  • Where, ntn_{t} is the number of individuals who haven't yet experienced the event at time tt
  • Where, dtd_{t} is the number of individuals who have experienced the event at time tt
  • This is only an estimate of a single probability
  • The estimate of the (cumulative) survival function is obtained by multiplying the probabilities from the origin time until time tt
  • The estimated survival function is defined as the following formula:
S(t)^=it(1dtnt)\hat{S(t)} = \prod_{i \le t} (1 - \frac{d_{t}}{n_{t}})
  • This formula is known as the Kaplan-Meier estimator

    • This has been proven to be the MLE
    • This is a non-parametric formula
  • It can also be estimated using an exponential curve

    • This is a parametric formula
  • The following table compares their pros and cons:
K-M Model Exponential Model Cox Model
Pros Simple to interpret and can estimate the survival function Can estimate the survival function and hazard ratio Hazards can fluctuate with time and can estimate the hazard ratio
Cons No functional form and can't estimate hazard ratio and can only include a few categorical variables Not always realistic and assumes constant hazards Can't estimate survival function

Illustrating the Survival Function

  • Suppose we're analyzing a group of 1414 customers who have all received a promotional email
  • All emails were sent at different times
  • The observed data looks like the following:
t={2,3,3,3,4,6,7,8,12,12,14,15,20,23}t = \{ 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 12, 14, 15, 20, 23 \} δ={1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1}\delta = \{ 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 \}
  • The dataset tt represents the time of event for each ithi^{th} customer

    • Each tit_{i} is measured in days since the email was sent
  • The dataset δ\delta contains indicators for whether each observation is:

    • Censored (00)
    • Or not censored (11)
  • For example, the first customer made a purchase on the second day after the email was sent to them

    • Therefore, he's labeled as non-censored
  • Whereas, the third customer did not make a purchase by the time of the analysis

    • She got the email three days before the analysis cutoff date
    • Therefore, she's labeled as censored
  • In this context, the probability to survive refers to the probability of not having made a purchase at a given time
  • The following illustrate a series of cumulative probabilities:
S(0)=1S(0) = 1 S(2)=1114=0.93S(2) = 1 - \frac{1}{14} = 0.93 S(3)=S(2)×(1213)=0.79S(3) = S(2) \times (1 - \frac{2}{13}) = 0.79
  • Notice, S(0)S(0) will always equal 11

    • This is because all customers are considered to be alive

Visualizing the Survival Function

  • The result from our example correspond to the stepwise survival curve plotted below
  • The survival curve summarizes the dynamics of a customer group
  • Typically, we'll compares curves for different groups
  • For example, a survival curve for customers who were treated with a promotion can be plotted together with a curve for those who were not
  • Thus, the efficiency of the promotion can be graphically assessed


Defining a Hazard Function

  • Whereas, a survival function outputs the probability that an event hasn't occurred in a time period
  • A hazard function outputs the probability that an event has occurred in a time period
  • Typically, hazard functions are used for analyzing how different factors (i.e. treatment parameters) influence the survival time
  • Specifically, the hazard function hh is defined as the instantaneous hazard rate
  • Meaning, it's the probability of an event in an infinitesimally small time period between tt and t+dtt + dt, given that the individual has survived up until time tt
h(t)=limdt0Pr(t<tt+dtT>t)dth(t) = \lim_{dt \to 0} \frac{\text{Pr}(t < t \le t + dt | T > t)}{dt}
  • The hazard function can be reformulated in terms of the survival function
  • As a result, we can switch between the hazard and survival functions in the analysis
  • A hazard function can be used to calculate hazard ratios

    • A hazard ratio is the the ratio of the hazard for someone who has received the treatment relative to someone who hasn't received the treatment
    hazard ratio=haz,x=1haz,x=0\text{hazard ratio} = \frac{\text{haz}, x=1}{\text{haz}, x=0}
    • As a result, we can interpret this output as the multiplicative risk of someone who has received the treatment observing an event, compared to someone who hasn't observed the event

Defining Survival Analysis Regression

  • The basic survival and hazard functions can be used for:

    • Describing the performance of a customer group
    • Comparing different groups to each other
  • This is not enough for predicting how survival and hazard are influenced by factors like marketing actions and customer properties
  • Let's assume that each kthk^{th} individual is represented by three values:
(t1,δ1,x1),...,(tk,δk,xk)(t_{1}, \delta_{1}, \bold{x_{1}}), ..., (t_{k}, \delta_{k}, \bold{x_{k}})
  • Where, x\bold{x} is a vector of pp independent variables

    • This vector can contain:

      • Customer demographic indpendent variables
      • Customer behavioral independent variables
      • Indicators of marketing communication to that customer
      • Etc.
  • Where, tt is a survival time or censoring time
  • Where, δ\delta is a censoring indicator

    • Observed events are labeled 11
    • Censored cases are labeled 00
  • As both S(t)S(t) and h(t)h(t) are probabilities, we can construct different survival regression models by assuming:

    • Different probability distributions
    • Different dependencies between x\bold{x} and the parameters of the distribution

Defining Proportional Hazard Models

  • The most common type of survival regression model is the proportional hazard model
  • This model family makes the following assumptions:

    • A unit increase in an observed covariate has a multiplicative effect on the hazard function
    • This hazard function is constant over time
  • Thus, the proportional hazard model is defined as the following:
h(tw,x)=h0(t)×r(w,x)h(t | \bold{w}, \bold{x}) = h_{0}(t) \times r(\bold{w}, \bold{x})
  • Where, tt is a survival time or censoring time
  • Where, w\bold{w} is a vector of model parameters
  • Where, x\bold{x} is a vector of pp independent variables
  • Where, h0(t)h_{0}(t) is the baseline hazard
  • Where, rr is the risk ratio

    • This increases or decreases the baseline hazard depending on the independent variables
  • Thus, the baseline hazard h0(t)h_{0}(t) does not depend on the individual
  • Whereas, the risk ratio rr does depend on the individual
  • Since the hazard rate is never negative, the risk ratio rr is typically modeled as an exponential function to ensure it isn't ever negative
h(tw,x)=h0(t)×exp(wTx)h(t | \bold{w}, \bold{x}) = h_{0}(t) \times \exp(\bold{w^{T}} \bold{x})
  • By rearranging this formula, the model can be interpreted as a linear model
  • Specifically, it can be intepreted using the log of the risk ratio for an individual to the baseline
wTx=log(h(tx)h0(t))\bold{w^{T}} \bold{x} = \log (\frac{h(t | \bold{x})}{h_{0}(t)})

Introducing the Cox Proportional Hazard Model

  • Regarding the baseline hazard h0(t)h_{0}(t) we have two choices:

    • Nonparametric
    • Parametric
  • The parametric approach assumes that the hazard function follows a certain probability distribution
  • In this case, we must fit the parametric model by finding the optimal values of parameters ww and the parameters of the distribution
  • The disadvantage of this approach is that it assumes a fixed probabilitiy distribution over time

    • However, this doesn't always reflect reality
    • Since, the baseline hazard typically varies in an unpredictable manner with time
    • Since the parametric approach smooths noisy data, it can be useful for providing a simple model for the baseline hazard
  • A nonparametric baseline hazard model can be estimated from the data by using the Kaplan–Meier estimator (or other methods)

    • This leads to a semiparametric model for the overall hazard
    • Where, the parametric part is defined by exp(wTx)\exp(\bold{w^{T}} \bold{x})
    • Where, the baseline hazard h0(t)h_{0}(t) part is nonparametric
    • This semi-parametric model is known as the Cox proportional hazard model

Describing the Cox Model

  • To summarize the above points, the Cox model refers to:
h(tw,x)semiparametric=h0(t)nonparametric×r(wTx)parametric\underbrace{h(t | \bold{w}, \bold{x})}_{semiparametric} = \underbrace{h_{0}(t)}_{\text{nonparametric}} \times \underbrace{r(\bold{w^{T}} \bold{x})}_{\text{parametric}}
  • The Cox model has the following benefits:

    • We can estimate the hazard ratios rr without having to estimate the baseline hazard function h0h_{0}
    • We don't need to make any assumptions about the structure of the baseline hazard h0h_{0}

      • It is convenient to only estimate the risk factors
      • It is convenient to not estimate the absolute hazard values
  • The Cox model has the following disadvantages:

    • The baseline hazard must be estimated by using parametric methods
    • The Cox model makes the same assumptions as any proportional hazard model, which may not be true for our data


  • A propensity model estimates the probability of outcomes of marketing actions
  • The shortcomings of propensity models include:

    1. Can't translate from probabilities to survival times
    2. Difficult to handle censored data
  • A time-to-event model can estimate:

    • A customer is likely to make a purchase in 1010 days
    • This time can be reduced by 55 days by offering a discount of 0.80.8
  • A survival function outputs the probability that an event hasn't occurred in a time period

    • For example, it can measure the probability that a customer won't purchase in the next tt years
  • A hazard functions outputs the probability that an event has occurred in the next few seconds

    • For example, it can measure the probability that a customer will purchase after the ttht^{th} year mark

      • Given the customer hasn't purchased yet (before the ttht^{th} year mark)
  • A hazard function can be used for:

    • Evaluating the performance of a customer group
    • Comparing different groups to each other
  • Survival analysis regression is used for predicting how survival and hazard are influenced by factors like marketing actions and customer properties
  • The most popular type of survival analysis regression model is the (semiparametric) Cox model



Customer Propensity

Measuring Churn