Describing Hadoop YARN

  • YARN is a component of the Hadoop ecosystem
  • YARN is used for:

    • Managing computing resources in a cluster
    • Monitoring computing resources in a cluster
    • Scheduling jobs involving processing
  • It manages and monitors resources via NodeManagers
  • A job refers to a requested transformation
  • An example of a job is a MapReduce job
  • An application consists of one or many jobs

Describing the YARN Architecture

  • YARN consists of:

    • Many different nodes in a cluster
    • Separate daemons living on those nodes
  • A node represents a single computer or server
  • A cluster represents a collection of nodes
  • These nodes are all interconnected with each other
  • The YARN daemons are:

    • ResourceManager
    • NodeManagers
    • ApplicationMasters
    • Containers
  • Typically, containers host any MapReduce job
  • These jobs involve transforming blocks on DataNodes
  • NodeManagers are used for overseeing its container

How YARN Handles Resource Management

  • Resource management in YARN mostly is handled by:

    • A ResourceManager
    • Some NodeManagers
  • A ResourceManager is used for:

    • Initializing an ApplicationMaster
    • Initializing containers
    • Allocating requested resources to an ApplicationMaster
    • Recording information about:

      • Available resources
      • Resources allocated to applications in the cluster
  • A NodeManager is used for:

    • Monitoring containers on its node
    • Restoring failed containers on its node
    • Reporting usage of resources to the ResourceManager

      • CPU resources
      • Memory resources
      • Disk resources
      • Network resources
    • Initializing containers on its node
  • Typically, there is a single ResourceManager in a cluster
  • Typically, there is a single NodeManager per node

How YARN Handles Job Scheduling

  • Job scheduling in YARN mostly is handled by:

    • Some ApplicationMasters
    • Some containers
  • An ApplicationMaster is used for:

    • Requesting for additional or fewer resources from the ResourceManager
    • Allocating these resources to its containers
    • Monitoring its application
  • Containers are used for:

    • Running an assigned application
    • Reporting the application status to the ApplicationMaster
  • Typically, there is a single ApplicationMaster per application

Illustrating the YARN Workflow



Defining the YARN Workflow

  1. Client submits an application
  2. The ResourceManager initializes a container
  3. The ResourceManager initializes an ApplicationMaster

    • There is an ApplicationMasterfor each container
  4. An ApplicationMaster requests resources from the ResourceManager

    • It uses these resources for itself and its containers
  5. The ApplicationMaster receives resources

    • It uses these resources for itself and its containers
  6. The AM notifies the NM to launch containers

    • These containers run the application (MapReduce jobs)
    • Containers running map tasks are run on the same node as the relevant blocks
    • Containers running reduce tasks sometimes run on different nodes
    • Containers running reduce tasks start after map tasks
  7. The applications request metadata from the NameNode

    • Only metadata of relevant blocks in DataNodes is returned
    • These applications are executed in the containers
  8. The applications receive metadata from the NameNode

    • Only metadata of relevant blocks in DataNodes is received
    • These applications are executed in the containers
  9. Each daemon monitors resources

    • The ResourceManager monitors the cluster's status
    • The ApplicationMaster monitors its application's status
    • The NodeManager monitors its node's status
  10. The application is complete
  11. The ApplicationMaster unregisters itself from the ResourceManager



