Mounting Lifecycle Methods

Introducing Lifecycle Methods

  • A React component goes through several stages in its lifecycle
  • React provides built-in methods for overriding particular stages in a component's lifecycle
  • These lifecycle methods are only available to class components
  • Lifecycle-like behavior can be implemented in functional components using hooks
  • Lifecycle methods can be classified into into four categories:

    • Mounting methods
    • Updating methods
    • Unmounting methods
    • Error handling methods


Introducing Mounting Lifecycle Methods

  • Mounting lifecycle methods are called when an instance of a component is created
  • Thus, they're created when a component is inserted into the DOM
  • There are four mounting methods:

    • constructor
    • getDerivedStateFromProps
    • render
    • componentDidMount

Defining the constructor(props) Method

  • The constructor is a mounting method
  • It is a function that gets invoked when a new component is created
  • It is used for:

    • Initializing state
    • Binding the event handlers to components
  • Constructors should not cause side effects
  • For example, HTTP requests shouldn't be made within a constructor method
  • Constructors require the super(props) function to be called
  • The constructor is the only place where we can directly overwrite this.state with fields
  • In all other scenarios, we must use this.setState

Defining getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state)

  • This method is rarely used compared to other mounting methods
  • It is invoked when the state of a component depends on changes in props over time
  • For example, we could use this method when the inital state of a component depends on the props passed to the component
  • It is used for setting the state to some value based on the props
  • This method is static, meaning it doesn't have access to this

Defining the render() Method

  • It is the only required mounting method in a class component
  • It is used for:

    • Reading props and state
    • Returning JSX
  • It shouldn't do any of the following:

    • Change the state of a component
    • Interact with DOM
    • Make AJAX calls
  • When a component a executes a lifecycle method, any lifecycle methods belonging to its children components are executed too

Defining the componentDidMount() Method

  • This method is invoked once during the lifecycle of a component
  • It is invoked immediately after the component and its children component all have been rendered to the DOM
  • It is used for:

    • Causing side effects
    • Like interacting with the DOM
    • Or performing any AJAX calls to load data

Order of Execution for Two Mounting Components

ParentComponent: constructor
ParentComponent: getDerivedStateFromProps
ParentComponent: render
ChildComponent:  constructor
ChildComponent:  getDerivedStateFromProps
ChildComponent:  render
ChildComponent:  componentDidMount
ParentComponent: componentDidMount



Basics of Form Handling

Updating Lifecycle Methods