Updating Lifecycle Methods

Introducing Lifecycle Methods

  • A React component goes through several stages in its lifecycle
  • React provides built-in methods for overriding particular stages in a component's lifecycle
  • These lifecycle methods are only available to class components
  • Lifecycle-like behavior can be implemented in functional components using hooks
  • Lifecycle methods can be classified into into four categories:

    • Mounting methods
    • Updating methods
    • Unmounting methods
    • Error handling methods


Introducing Updating Lifecycle Methods

  • Updating lifecycle methods are called when an instance of a component is rerendered
  • Components are rerendered when there are changes to either its props or state
  • There are five updating methods:

    • getDerivedStateFromProps
    • shouldComponentUpdate
    • render
    • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
    • componentDidUpdate

Defining shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)

  • This method is used for dictating if a component should be rerendered or not
  • By default, components rerender when their props/state change
  • This method can override this behavior
  • In general, this method is used for performance optimization
  • This method shouldn't cause side effects
  • For example, it shouldn't include any HTTP requests
  • Also, it shouldn't call any setState methods
  • This method is rarely used in React

Defining getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState)

  • This method is rarely used in React
  • This method is invoked before the changes from the virtual DOM are to be reflected in the DOM
  • It captures some information from the DOM
  • For example, it can be used to read the user's scrolling location
  • This method will either return a value or null
  • The returned value will be passed as the third parameter to the componentDidUpdate method

Defining componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot)

  • This method receives a snapshot value from the previous method
  • This method is invoked once after the rerendering cycle is finished
  • This method allows for side effects
  • For example, we can make AJAX calls in this method
  • However, we first should compare the previous props and current props to decide whether to make the AJAX call or not

Order of Execution for Two Updating Components

ParentComponent: getDerivedStateFromProps
ParentComponent: shouldComponentUpdate
ParentComponent: render
ChildComponent:  getDerivedStateFromProps
ChildComponent:  shouldComponentUpdate
ChildComponent:  render
ChildComponent:  getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
ParentComponent: getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
ChildComponent:  componentDidUpdate
ParentComponent: componentDidUpdate



Mounting Lifecycle Methods
