Motivating Regression Discontinuity-Design
In an experiment, we can determine causal effects accurately when our experiment is randomized
- Specifically, a randomized experiment means treatment assignment is random
- Roughly, this happens when there aren't any confounding variables (or colliders)
Stratification (or matching) and regression can be used to randomize an experiment with measured confounders
- Thus, bias is removed when an experiment is stratified
- Stratification isn't very effective when a covariate is continuous
- Since, it's almost impossible to stratify to each unique value of
- Thus, regression can be more appealing
Regression discontinuity-design (or RDD) can also be used to eliminate selection bias
- Specifically, we'll use RDD if our experiment is without measured confounders
- In other words, stratification can eliminate bias with measured confounders, whereas RDD can eliminate bias without measured confounders
Motivating the Use of RDD in Natural Experiments
Typically, RDD is used in natural experiments
- A natural experiment refers to an experiment without a controlled treatment assignment
- Rather, treatment is assigned by some random, external factor
- Whereas, a controlled experiment refers to an experiment where all factors are held constant except for one
As a result, RDD uses a running variable
- Don't mistake this for an ordinary covariate
- Don't confuse this with observed or unobserved covariates
Here, refers to a running variable, which represents a continuous variable that assigns units to a treatment
- We usually use a continuous instead of binary treatment variable in RDD, since RDDs are usually used in natural experiments
- Remember, we don't usually have a treatment variable give to us in natural experiments
Assuming Continuity for RDD
Continuity assumes an absence of selection bias
- Thus, we can remove any selection bias by verifying that the continuity assumption is satisfied
- To do this, we can use RDD
Suppose we model the following potential outcomes:
- Our potential outcomes against some covariate
- Out potential outcomes against some covariate
- The continuity assumption says that if we place any cutoff on the range of and assign to be when and when , then any discontinuity implies some causality
Defining Requirements for RDD
- The requirement for RDD to estimate a causal effect are the continuity assumptions
- Meaning, the expected potential outcomes change smoothly as a function of the running variable through the cutoff
This means that the only thing that causes the outcome to change abruptly at is the treatment (and not confounders)
- Implying, we can only correctly intrepret causal effects about the treatment if there is a discontinuity between the control and treatment, but not at the cutoff for a confounder
But, this can be violated in practice if any of the following is true:
- The assignment rule is known in advance
- Agents are interested in adjusting
- Agents have time to adjust
- The cutoff is endogenous to factors that independently cause potential outcomes to shift
Introducing Two Types of RDD
- There are generally accepted two kinds of RDD studies
- A sharp RDD is a design where the probability of treatment goes from to at the cutoff
- A fuzzy RDD is a design where the probability of treatment discontinuously increases at the cutoff
- In both designs, there is always a running variable where the likelihood of receiving treatment flips when reaching some cutoff
Estimating Causal Effects using a Sharp RDD
In sharp RDD, treatment is a deterministic function of the running variable
- Don't confuse this with observed or unobserved covariates
- Here, refers to a running variable, which represents a continuous variable that assigns units to a treatment
An example of this might be Medicare enrollment
- Which, happens sharply at age
- The sharp RDD estimation is interpreted as an average causal effect of the treatment as the running variable approaches the cutoff
- This average causal effect is the local average treatment effect (LATE)
Estimating Causal Effects using a Fuzzy RDD
- A fuzzy RDD represents a discontinuous jump in the probability of treatment when
The identifying assumptions are the same under fuzzy designs as they are under sharp designs
- Meaning, they satisfy the continuity assumptions