Describing Matching
The goal of matching is reduce selection bias (due to confounding) before estimating causal effects
- Usually, for controlled experiments, but sometimes natural experiments
- As an example, we first could use matching to reduce selection bias, then afterwards use regression or synthetic control modeling to estimate causal effects
- Matching is a form of stratification
Matching methods match treated units to similar control units
- This enables a more accurate comparison between treated units and non-treated units
- Specifically, matching involves sampling, so each treatment observation corresponds to a control observation with identical covariate values
Describing Regression Discontinuity Design
The goal of RDD is to identify and estimate causal effects
- Usually, for natural experiments
RDD stitches the potential outcomes that are actually observed (i.e. when ) with the potential outcomes that are actually observed (i.e. when )
- Essentially, is before the cutoff point and is after the cutoff point
- As a result, we can identify causal effects if there is significant discontinuity at the cutoff point
Typically, RDD is used in natural experiments
- A natural experiment refers to an experiment without a controlled treatment assignment (not randomly assigned)
- Rather, treatment is assigned by some random, external factor (e.g. )
- Whereas, a controlled experiment refers to an experiment where all factors are held constant except for one
- As a result, RDD uses a running variable (don't mistake this for an ordinary covariate)
- Thus, we usually use a continuous instead of binary treatment variable DD in RDD, since RDDs are usually used in natural experiments
The following assumptions are made about RDD:
RDD requires that every variable (excluding the treatment and outcome variables) is continuous at the cutoff point
- This implies observed and unobserved predictors must be continuous at the cutoff point
- To be clear, the treatment and outcome variables can be discontinuous at the cutoff point
- RDD requires that all of the expected potential outcomes for are continuous at the cutoff point
- RDD requires that all of the expected potential outcomes for are continuous at the cutoff point
Describing Difference-in-Difference
The goal of a synthetic control is to identify and estimate causal effects
- Usually, for natural experiments
- Diff-in-diff is a comparison between the differential effect of a treatment on a treatment group versus a control group in a natural experiment
- There are many of assumptions made about the diff-in-diff model
All the assumptions of the OLS model apply equally to diff-in-diff:
- No autocorrelation (e.g. a sine wave)
- No heterscedasticity (i.e. constant variance)
- No collinearity (i.e. this is rarely true)
- Data is linearly related (i.e. sometimes true)
- Conditional means of errors should be (i.e. rarely true)
- Conditional variance of errors should be constant
- Errors conditional on regressors should be normally distributed
- Observations should be iid
Additionally, diff-in-diff requires a parallel trends assumption
Essentially, it's saying there must be constant differences in outcomes between:
- The difference between the pre-intervention control and pre-intervention treatment groups
- The difference between the post-intervention control and post-intervention treatment groups
Roughly, the diff-in-diff model is similar to a synthetic control model
- But, a diff-in-diff model treats the time points (pre-intervention and post-intervention) as predictors
- Whereas, a synthetic control model treats the time points as rows
Describing Synthetic Control
The goal of a synthetic control is to identify and estimate causal effects
- Usually, for natural experiments
A synthetic control involves weighting multiple sets of control groups and comparing it with a single treatment group
- This comparison is used to estimate what would have happened to the treatment group if it had not received the treatment
Unlike diff-in-diff, this method can account for the effects of confounders changing over time
- It does this by weighting the control group to better match the treatment group before the intervention
The following assumptions are made about synthetic controls:
Existence of weights
- Implying, there must be enough similarities with the control units to create a synthetic control
Weakly stationary process
- Implying, the mean and variance must be roughly fixed over time
We must be aware beforehand that controls in synthetic control group don't receive treatment
- Otherwise, this could open up backdoor path
- Implying, we must have a good understanding of the natural experiment