Introducing a Bayesian Structural Time-Series Model
- A BSTS model is a state-space mdoel used for estimating and identifying causal effects
It's also used for:
- Feature selection
- Time series nowcasting/forecasting
- The model is designed to be used with time series data
In contrast to diff-in-diff, state-space models make it possible to do the following:
- Infer the temporal evolution of attributable impact
- Incorporate empirical priors on the parameters in a fully Bayesian treatment
Flexibly accommodate multiple sources of variation, including the time-varying influence of contemporaneous covariates
- I.e. synthetic controls
Addressing the Limitations of Diff-in-Diff
DD is based on a static regression model that assumes iid data, despite the fact the design has a temporal component
- Thus, when fit to serially correlated data, static models yield overoptimistic inferences
- Meaning, uncertainty windows become too narrow
Most DD analyses only consider two time points: before and after the intervention
- In practice, we're usually interested in more than just these two time points
- Specifically, we may be interested in how the treatment effects evolve over time (after the treatment)
- Especially, we're interested in its onset or decay structure
When DD analyses are based on time series, they sometimes impose restrictions on the way a synthetic control is constructed from a set of predictor variables
- This is something we'd likely like to avoid
Defining Advantages of Bayesian Structural Time-Series
The limitations of DD schemes can be addressed by using state-space models, coupled with highly flexible regression components, to explain the temporal evolution of an observed outcome:
- We can flexibly accommodate different kinds of assumptions about the latent state and emission processes underlying the observed data, including local trends and seasonality
We use a fully Bayesian approach to infer the temporal evolution of counterfactual activity and incremental impact
- One advantage of this is the flexibility with which posterior inferences can be summarised
We use a regression component that precludes a rigid commitment to a particular set of controls by:
- Integrating out our posterior uncertainty about the influence of each predictor
- Integrating our uncertainty about which predictors to include in the first place, which avoids overfitting
Defining Structural Time-Series Models
- BSTS models are state-space models for time-series data
- They can be defined in terms of a pair of equations:
- Here, we assume are independent
- And, we assume are independent
Essentially, the random variables in the above equations represent:
- represents a set of regressors at a point in time
- represents a seasonality effect at a point in time
- represents a localized trend around a point in time
Note, regressor coefficients, seasonality and trend are estimated simultaneously
- This helps avoid strange coefficient estimates due to spurious relationships
Since the model is bayesian, we can shrink the elements of to promote sparsity or specify outside priors for the means
- In case, we’re not able to get meaningful estimates from the historical data
Assembling the State-Space Model
A structural time-series model allows us to flexibly choose appropriate components for the following terms:
- Trend terms
- Seasonality terms
- Static/dynamic regression terms for the controls
Static coefficients are a good option when the relationship between control and treated units has been stable in the past
- This is because a spike-and-slab prior can be implemented efficiently within a forward-filtering, backward-sampling framework
- This makes it possible to quickly identify a sparse set of covariates (even from tens or hundreds of variables)