Motivating Limitations of Diff-in-Diff
- Diff-in-diff doesn't work well with small sample sizes
Diff-in-diff requires that differences between treated and control either:
- Time-invarient for all units
- Time-varying in the same way for all units
Describing Advantages of the Synthetic Control Method
The synthetic control method is based on interpolation
- Implying, it assigns weights between and to avoid extrapolation
- Comparatively, this method is more interpretable
Weights explain the relative importance of each control unit
- This makes the model more easily interpretable
It doesn't require access to post-treatment outcomes
- This is unlike regression methods
- It relaxes the parallel trends assumption from the difference-in-difference model
Defining Synthetic Control Methods
- A synthetic control is a weighted combination of groups used as controls
This weighted combination of groups is then treated as a synthetic control group
- And, is compared to the treatment group
- This comparison is used to estimate what would have happened to the treatment group if it hadn't received the treatment
The method can be summarized in the following steps using a dataset with a number of observations:
- Make sure unit refers to the treatment group
Treat units though as control units
- This group of control units is referred to as the donor pool
Generate a synethic control group
- This involves generating a weighted average of the control units
- The weights are determined by minimizing the synthetic control loss function
Build a regression model on this synthetic control group
- Here, the weights represent , and control units represent the covariates
- This is used to estimate post-treatment potential outcomes of the synethic control group
- These estimates are then compared to the post-treatment potential outcomes of the treatment group
- These post-treatment differences represent the causal effects
Defining Assumptions about the Synthetic Controls
Existence of weights
- Implying, there must be enough similarities with the control units to create a synthetic control
Weakly stationary process
- Implying, the mean and variance must be roughly fixed over time
We must be aware beforehand that controls in synthetic control group don't receive treatment
- Otherwise, this could open up backdoor path
- Implying, we must have a good understanding of the natural experiment
Picking and Verifying Synthetic Controls
Find the exact p-values through placebo-based inference
- This includes creating a histogram of post/pre RMSPE of all units and evaluating their p-values
Check for the quality of the pre-treatment fit
- This includes dropping control units (from the synthetic control group) with a pre-treatment very different from the pre-treatment of the treatment group
- Specifically, this involves dropping control units with a pre-treatment RMSPE that is twice as large as the pre-treatment RMSPE of the treatment group
Investigate the balance of the covariates used for matching
- This includes veryifying covariate values are similar between the treatment and control groups
Check for the validity of the model through placebo estimation
- This includes rolling back the treatment date to a placebo date to ensure we don't see causal effects
Verifying with and Test Statistics
- As stated already, it's recommended to calculate a set of root mean squared prediction errors (i.e. ) value for pre- and post-treatment period as the test statistic used for inference
To do this, we can do the following:
- Iteratively apply the synthetic control method to each country/state in the donor pool and obtain a distribution of placebo effects
- Calculate the for each placebo for the pre-treatment period:
- Calculate the RMSPE for each placebo for the post-treatment period
- Compute the ratio of the post- to pre-treatment RMSPE
- Sort this ratio in descending order from greatest to highest
- Calculate the treatment unit's ratio in the distribution:
Illustrating a Synthetic Control Model
As an example, we'll use a synthetic control to measure the causal effects of California implementing a cigarette tax
- This tax was called Proposition 99
To do this, we treat cigarette sales as
- Obviously, receiving the tax in 1988 is our treatment
- The control group contains states that didn't receive the tax
- Some states receive a similar tax, so we make sure to exclude them from our control group
- In the end, we have states in our control group that never received a similar tax
Notice, cigarette sales were falling after Proposition 99
- But, they were falling for both the treatment and control groups
- Therefore, it's not clear if there were causal effects
Next, we create a synthetic control group weighting each of the based on how similar they are to California
- This weighting just looks at the covariates
- Notice, the set of weights produces a nearly identical path between the pre-treatment of the real and synthetic California
- But, this path diverges in the post-treatment
- Indicating, the program has some effect on cigarette sales
Verifying Balance of Covariates and Response
- The optimal weights were selected by minimizing a distance formula based on certian covariates
- It's recommended we include averages for each covariate and response in the pre-treatment
- This will give us a better idea of the balance of the variables in our treatment and control groups
Variables | Real California | Synthetic California | 38 States |
GDP per Capita | 10.08 | 9.86 | 9.86 |
Percent aged 15-24 | 17.40 | 17.40 | 17.29 |
Retail Price | 89.42 | 89.41 | 87.27 |
Beer Consumption per capita | 24.28 | 24.20 | 23.75 |
Cig Sales per capita 1988 | 19.10 | 91.62 | 114.20 |
Cig Sales per capita 1980 | 120.20 | 120.43 | 136.58 |
Cig Sales per capita 1975 | 127.10 | 126.99 | 132.81 |
Verifying Causal Effects using Visuals
- So far, we've only covered estimation
But, how do we determine whether the observed difference between the treatment and synthetic control is statistically significant?
- Here, the treatment is real California, and synthetic control is synthetic California
- Maybe, the divergence between the two groups are just a symptom of prediction or sampling error
Thus, we must verify the divergence is statistically significant by:
- Plotting each individual state (of the 38 states) in the control group
- Constructing Fisher p-values, where the null hypothesis is no treatment whatsover
- For now, let's focus on the first step by overlaying California with all of the placebos in the control group
By doing this, we'll see that California is in the tails of the distribution of treatment effects
- Here, each difference is calculated by subtracting its cigarette sales from the cigarette sales of the synethic control
- In other words, the synthetic control is the baseline
Verifying Causal Effects using Statistical Tests
- Ultimately, inference is based on p-values and not visuals
- To do this, we'll need to create a histogram of the ratios
- Then, mark the p-value associated with the treatment group
- As seen below, California is ranked out of state units
Specifically, California has an exact p-value of
- This is statistically significant (i.e. )
Verifying Causal Effects using Falsification
Lastly, we should test the validy of the estimator through a falsification exercise
- This will help verify if the model we chose is a reasonable
Specifically, we should test our model using an earlier, non-treatment date as our new treatment date
- Then, we'd treat the actual treatment date as the end-of-sample date
- We'd expect this placebo date to not have any effect on sales
Here, we can see there isn't much deviation between the treatment sales and synthetic control sales after our placebo-treatment date
- This is good, since we expect there to be no effect in this timeframe