
Motivating 1×11 \times 1 Convolutions

  • A modest number of 5×55 \times 5 convolutions can be expensive if the number of filters is large
  • Therefore, we would like to apply dimensionality reduction when the computational requirements increase too much
  • A 1×11 \times 1 convolution is used to compute reductions before the expensive 3×33 \times 3 nad 5×55 \times 5 convolutions
  • Besides being used as dimensional reductions, they also include the use of relu activation functions
  • In other words, these convolutional layers transform our input such that:

    • JJ decreases to some degree
    • The dimensions (of the output) are reduced
  • For these reasons, this concept is sometimes referred to as a network in network

Interpreting 1×11 \times 1 Convolutions

  • A 1×11 \times 1 convolution refers to an image convolved with a 1×11 \times 1 filter
  • This convolutional layer can be thought of as a fully-connected layer such that:

    • The image's pixels represent the previous layer's activations
    • A single filter represents a single neuron within a hidden layer
  • Here, each pixel represents a neuron
  • Remember, each value from a filter represents a weight
  • Adding additional filters to a convolutional layer is similar to adding additional neurons to the hidden filter


Illustrating Network in Network

  • As we go deeper in a network, sometimes the number of channels grows too much
  • We may want to reduce add a convolutional layer that reduces the number of channels without reducing the height and width of our image
  • Specifically, we may want to have a filter that transforms our image such that:

    • nhn_{h} and nwn_{w} remain the same
    • ncn_{c} decreases
  • In this case, we would want to convolve an image with a 1×11 \times 1 filter


Motivating the Inception Network

  • When designing a layer for a convolution network, we'll need to choose which filter to use
  • Inception networks take into account two questions:

    • Should we use a 3×33 \times 3 filter, a 1×31 \times 3 filter, a 5×55 \times 5 filter, etc?
    • Should we use a convolutional layer or a pooling layer?
  • In other words, we'll need to find the set of hyperparameters for a filter that minimizes the cost JJ
  • The inception network essentially tries all of them
  • This makes the network more complicated, but significantly increases the accuracy

Describing the Inception Network

  • Instead of choosing a single filter size, we could try them all
  • In this case, we need to adjust the padding to ensure the resultant images are the same size
  • Then, our optimization algorithm will determine the weights
  • Meaning, our optimization algorithm decides which filters to use
  • For example, we can try different convolutional filters and max-pooling filters
  • Each resultant volume is then stacked on top of each other
  • We may ask ourselves how to choose the number of filters associated with a distinct filter
  • Roughly, we can interpret the number of distinct filters as the number of chances for the specific filter to detect different features in an image
  • There is no hard rule, so this hyperparameter should be tuned
  • Generally, if this hyperparameter is too small, then we could possibly lose information by overfitting a particular filter
  • On the other hand, if this hyperparameter is too large, then we could also lose information by underfitting a particular filter


Handling the Computational Cost

  • Computing the inception layer from above would lead to 120120 million multiplications
  • Although we can compute this amount of computations, it becomes very expensive
  • Instead, we can include a 1×11 \times 1 convolutional layer before the large inception layer
  • This 1×11 \times 1 convolutional layer is called a bottleneck layer
  • Including a bottleneck layer will reduce the dimensionality of the input image
  • As a result, computing the inception layer would lead to only 12.412.4 million multiplications


Inception Network

  • An inception network contains many repeated inception modules
  • These inception modules are generally made up of layers containing the same convolutional and max-pooling filters
  • An inception network also contains side branches
  • These side branches are made up of convolutional layers that lead into a softmax layer
  • These side branches are located throughout our network branched from a few hidden layers
  • These side branches make predictions to help prevent overfitting
  • Specifically, this has a regularization effect on the network




  • 1×11 \times 1 convolutional layers transform our input such that:

    • JJ decreases to some degree
    • The dimensions (of the output) are reduced
  • These convolutional layer can be thought of as a fully-connected layer such that:

    • The image's pixels represent the previous layer's activations
    • A single filter represents a single neuron within a hidden layer
  • Adding additional filters to a convolutional layer is similar to adding additional neurons to the hidden filter
  • An inception layer essentially tries a bunch of convolutional and max-pooling filters to find the most effective ones
  • This makes the network more complicated, but significantly increases the accuracy
  • An inception network contains many repeated inception modules and side branches



Residual Network

Transfer Learning