Transfer Learning

Motivating Transfer Learning

  • Suppose someone has already trained a network that is relevant to our problem at hand
  • We may be interested in using the network if:

    • The network was trained on very large dataset
    • The network provides a very good accuracy
  • By using a popular open-source implementation, we could avoid the following costs:

    • Expenses

      • The training process can require the use of many GPUs
    • Tuning time

      • We need to test many sets of hyperparameters that produces the best accuracy
      • This process can take months
    • Training time

      • We need to compute many weights and biases during forward and backward propagation
      • This process can take hours (or days)
  • This process of using an open-source implementation of a deep network is called transfer learning

Describing Transfer Learning

  • Transfer learning refers to the reuse of a pre-trained model
  • Therefore, downloading an open-source implementation will give us its parameters and architecture
  • From here, we can do the following:

    • Unfreeze layers to be trained on
    • Add or remove layers from the network
    • Replace layers with our own layers
  • There are three general approaches to changing layers:

    1. If we don't have a lot of input data, then we typically freeze our output layer (i.e. softmax) and make adjustments accordingly
    2. If we have a decent amount of input data, then we can freeze certain layers and train a few others (or remove layers)
    3. If we have a lot of input data, then we train the entire network while initializing the weights and biases to the ones from our transfer learning model
  • We should typically prefer to use tranfer learning networks without making many changes
  • Unless, we have a very large amount of input data and a large computational budget


  • We may be interested in using the network if:

    • The network was trained on very large dataset
    • The network provides a very good accuracy
  • By using a popular open-source implementation, we could avoid the following costs:

    • Expenses
    • Tuning time
    • Training time
  • This process of using an open-source implementation of a deep network is called transfer learning
  • We should typically prefer to use tranfer learning networks without making many changes
  • Unless, we have a very large amount of input data and a large computational budget




Data Augmentation