Visualizing a CNN

Visualizing What our Layers are Learning

  • In order to implement neural style transfer, we need to evaluate the features at various layers in our convolutional network
  • In order to do this, we can visualize what our layers (and neurons) are actually learning
  • To do this, we should: 1. Train a network 2. Pick a unit in each layer 3. Find the nine image patches that maximize the unit's activations
  • In other words, we should find the region of an image that maximize the activations returned by a particular neuron
  • This will help us in understand what each neuron is actually learning
  • As a reminder, the deeper layers will learn more specific details about an image
  • On the other hand, the shallow layers will learn more generalized information about the image
  • This is because neural networks learn moving from the back of the network to the front of the network (i.e. backward propagation)
  • In other words, a convolutional network breaks the image down moving from higher level to lower level layers

Describing Visualize

  • define feature map
  • visualizing network using max activations
  • visualizing network using mean activations




Face Verification

Neural Style Transfer