YOLO Algorithm

Improving Accuracy using the YOLO Algorithm

  • Now, we have fixed the problem with computational inefficiency
  • We still have one problem with our method of object detection
  • Specifically, the position of the bounding boxes aren't accurate
  • In other words, the position of the bounding boxes are shifted somewhat randomly
  • And, the most ideal bounding boxes don't always follow a perfectly squared shape
  • We can fix this using the yolo algorithm

Describing the YOLO Algorithm

  • The concept of breaking down the images to grid cells is unique in YOLO
  • Let's say we have 3×33 \times 3 grid


  • In the image above we have two cars
  • We marked their bounding boxes in red
  • For each grid cell, we have the following labels for training:
y=[pcbxbybhbwc1c2c3]y = \begin{bmatrix} p_{c} \cr b_{x} \cr b_{y} \cr b_{h} \cr b_{w} \cr c_{1} \cr c_{2} \cr c_{3} \end{bmatrix}
  • This is similar to our 1×11 \times 1 activations from our convolutional implementation of the sliding window
  • Now, we need to associate objects to individual cells
  • The rightmost car seems to be obviously associated with the middle-right cell
  • The truck seems to be less obviously associated with the center cell
  • This is because the yolo algorithm associates an object to a cell based on the object's midpoint


Defining the YOLO Algorithm

  • Notice pc=0p_{c}=0 for cells without objects detected
  • We use ?? because we don't care about its remaining values
  • The definition of the bounding box parameters are defined as:

    • bx:b_{x}: The x coordinate corresponding to the center of the bounding box
    • by:b_{y}: The y coordinate corresponding to the center of the bounding box
    • bh:b_{h}: The height of the bounding box
    • bw:b_{w}: The width of the bounding box
    • ci:c_{i}: The ithi^{th} class (e.g. pedestrian, car, etc.)
    • pc:p_{c}: The probability of whether there is an object or not
  • The yolo loss function is defined as the following:
λcoordi=0S3j=0B1ijobj[(xix^i)2+(yiy^i)2]\lambda_{coord} \sum_{i=0}^{S^{3}} \sum_{j=0}^{B} 1^{obj}_{ij}[(x_{i}-\hat{x}_{i})^{2} + (y_{i}-\hat{y}_{i})^{2}] +λcoordi=0S2j=0B1ijobj[(wix^i)2+(hih^i)2]+ \lambda_{coord} \sum_{i=0}^{S^{2}} \sum_{j=0}^{B} 1^{obj}_{ij}[(\sqrt{w_{i}}-\sqrt{\hat{x}_{i}})^{2} + (\sqrt{h_{i}}-\sqrt{\hat{h}_{i}})^{2}] +i=0S2j=0B1ijobj(CiC^i)2+ \sum_{i=0}^{S^{2}} \sum_{j=0}^{B} 1^{obj}_{ij}(C_{i}-\hat{C}_{i})^{2} +λnoobji=0S2j=0B1ijobj(CiC^i)2+ \lambda_{noobj} \sum_{i=0}^{S^{2}} \sum_{j=0}^{B} 1^{obj}_{ij}(C_{i}-\hat{C}_{i})^{2} +i=0S21ijobjcclasses(pi(c)p^i(c))+ \sum_{i=0}^{S^{2}} 1^{obj}_{ij} \sum_{c \in classes} (p_{i}(c)-\hat{p}_{i}(c))

Intuition behind YOLO Loss Function

  • The first term penalizes bad localizations of the center of cells
  • The second term penalizes the bounding box with inaccurate height and widths
  • The square root is present so that errors in small bounding boxes are more penalizing than erros in big bounding boxes
  • The third term tries to make the confidence score equal to the intersection over union between the object and the prediction when there is one object
  • The fourth term tries to make the confidence score close to 00 when there aren't any objects in the cell
  • The fifth term is a simple classification loss function

Motivating Nonmax Suppression

  • There is still a limitation with our yolo algorithm
  • Typically, there are many possible bounding boxes for the yolo algorithm to output
  • Specifically, how can we evaluate which bounding box is the best?
  • To solve this problem, we'll introduce the concept of nonmax suppression

Introducing Intersection over Union

  • Before we go into the nonmax suppression concept, we should first introduce the intersection over union (IoU) function
  • The iou function is used for evaluating our object detection algorithm
  • Specifically, the iou function computes the area of the intersection of two bounding boxes


  • The iou function is used for the following:

    • Measuring the similarity of two bounding boxes
    • Training a bounding box against

      • The coordinates of the true bounding box are found manually
      • In other words, we need to be given the coordinates
      • An iou threshold of 0.50.5 is considered correct
      • In other words, a bounding box with a 0.5\ge 0.5 iou value is considered similar enough to the true bounding box
iou=intersection areaour bounding box areaiou = \frac{\text{intersection area}}{\text{our bounding box area}} iou0.5 is correctiou \ge 0.5 \text{ is correct}
  • The iou function doesn't define a bounding box by its center point, width, and height
  • Instead, it defines a bounding box based on its upper left corners (x1,y1)(x_{1},y_{1}) and lower right corners (x2,y2)(x_{2}, y_{2})


  • Specifically, we use the iou function when assigning anchor boxes
  • We also use the iou function when assigning anchor boxes
  • The algorithm is defined as the following:

    1. Finding the two corners of the intersection
    2. Compute the area of the intersection
def iou(box1, box2):
    xi1 = max(box1[0], box2[0])
    yi1 = max(box1[1], box2[1])
    xi2 = min(box1[2], box2[2])
    yi2 = min(box1[3], box2[3])
    inter_area = (xi2 - xi1) * (yi2 - yi1)

    box1_area = (box1[2] - box1[0]) * (box1[3] - box1[1])
    box2_area = (box2[2] - box2[0]) * (box2[3] - box2[1])
    union_area = box1_area + box2_area - inter_area

    iou = inter_area / union_area

    return iou

Introducing Nonmax Suppression

  • Previously, we used a 3×33 \times 3 grid to find our bounding boxes
  • Realistically, we'll want to use larger grids
  • We use larger grids to achieve more accurate bounding boxes
  • For example, a 19×1919 \times 19 grid could be used instead of a 3×33 \times 3 grid
  • However, we're more likely to pick up multiple bounding boxes for the same object


  • This is because we're running a localization on each grid
  • Therefore, other grids will think there is a car as well
  • Our goal is to do the following:

    • Keep the bounding boxes that have the highest pcp_{c}
    • Remove the bounding boxes that are very similar to the bounding boxes with the highest pcp_{c}
  • Therefore, we perform nonmax suppression:

    1. Discard all bounding boxes with pc0.6p_{c} \le 0.6
    2. Choose the bounding box with the largest pcp_{c} value
    3. Discard any remaining boxes with an iou value 0.5\ge 0.5

      • This is because we want to remove the other similar bounding boxes that aren t the bounding box with the largest pcp_{c}
      • If we removed boxes with an iou value 0.5\le 0.5, then we'd remove other bounding boxes belonging to other objects

Motivating the Anchor Box

  • There is still a limitation with our yolo algorithm
  • Let's say we have multiple objects in the same grid cell
  • For example, suppose we have a pedestrain and a car in a cell
  • Then, do we classify the object as a pedestrian or car?
  • To solve this problem, we'll introduce the concept of anchor box

Introducing the Anchor Box

  • Anchor boxes allow the yolo algorithm to detect multiple objects centered in one grid cell
  • We do this by assigning an additional dimension to the output labels
  • This dimension refers to the number of anchor boxes per grid cell
  • Meaning, we create another hyperparameter representing the pre-defined number of anchor boxes per cell
  • Now, we'll be able to assign one object to each anchor box

Describing Anchor Boxes

  • Notice, a car and pedestrian are both centered in the middle cell


  • We should set the number of anchor boxes to be 22
  • Now, each grid cell can detect a pedestrian and a car
  • Specifically, a pedestrian and a car in the same cell will be individually assigned to their own anchor box
  • This depends on which object and anchor box provide the highest iou value
  • Each anchor box specializes in a certain shape
  • For example, one anchor box may learn a skinny object, whereas another anchor box may learn a wide object
  • In our case, one anchor box could learn a tall, skinny object associated with pedestrians
  • And, another anchor box could learn a short, wide object associated with cars
  • Our new label will look like the following:


Defining the YOLO Algorithm with Anchor Boxes

  • Suppose we are detecting 33 objects:

    1. Pedestrian
    2. Car
    3. Motorcycle
  • Let's also say we're using 22 anchor boxes per cell
  • Lastly, let's say our grid is 3×33 \times 3
  • Our labels yy can be represented as a 3×3×2×83 \times 3 \times 2 \times 8 matrix:

    • 3×33 \times 3 due to the grid size
    • ×2\times 2 due to the number of anchors
    • ×8\times 8 due to the number of parameters per cell
  • Specifically, our label yiy_{i} can be represented as a 16×116 \times 1 vector
  • Our label yiy_{i} looks like the following for a single cell:
y=[pc,1bx,1by,1bh,1bw,1c1,1c2,1c3,1pc,2bx,2by,2bh,2bw,2c1,2c2,2c3,2]y = \begin{bmatrix} p_{c,1} \cr b_{x,1} \cr b_{y,1} \cr b_{h,1} \cr b_{w,1} \cr c_{1,1} \cr c_{2,1} \cr c_{3,1} \cr p_{c,2} \cr b_{x,2} \cr b_{y,2} \cr b_{h,2} \cr b_{w,2} \cr c_{1,2} \cr c_{2,2} \cr c_{3,2} \end{bmatrix}
  • Here pc,1p_{c,1} refers to pcp_{c} of anchor box 11
  • And pc,2p_{c,2} refers to pcp_{c} of anchor box 22
  • Essentially, the yolo algorithm will generate an output matrix of shape (3,3,2,8)(3,3,2,8) given an image
  • Meaning, each of the grid cells will output two predictions
  • We can observe the dimensions of our labels during the training of a single cell in the image below:


Implementing the YOLO Algorithm with Anchor Boxes

  • Let's say we want to train a on the image above
  • Specifically, we want to train a convolutional network on the image
  • The network will output:

    • A classification of the object
    • A bounding box around the detected object
  • An example output of the middle grid cell is the following:


  • The output volume yy represents a collection of vectors yiy_{i} associated with one of the 99 grid cells
  • We also need to include nonmax suppresion
  • In other words, we'll filter out any improbable bounding boxes
  • And, we'll also keep the most probable bounding box associated with an object
  • The following image illustrates the generalized steps for predicting objects and their bounding boxes:



  • The yolo algorithm improves the accuracy of our object detection algorithm
  • Specifically, the yolo algorithm is used for accounting for bounding boxes that:

    • May not make up an entire sliding window region
    • May not fall perfectly in an individual grid cell
  • In other words, the position of the bounding boxes are shifted somewhat randomly
  • The yolo algorithm involves breaking down an image into grid cells
  • The definition of the bounding box parameters are defined as:

    • bx:b_{x}: The x coordinate corresponding to the center of the bounding box
    • by:b_{y}: The y coordinate corresponding to the center of the bounding box
    • bh:b_{h}: The height of the bounding box
    • bw:b_{w}: The width of the bounding box
    • ci:c_{i}: The ithi^{th} class (e.g. pedestrian, car, etc.)
    • pc:p_{c}: The probability of whether there is an object or not
  • The iou function is used for evaluating estimated bounding boxes against the actual bounding boxes
  • In other words, the iou function measures the similarity between two bounding boxes
  • Nonmax suppression is used for filtering out any bounding boxes that aren't the most probable associated with an object
  • Nonmax suppression is defined as the following:

    1. Discard all bounding boxes with pc0.6p_{c} \le 0.6
    2. Choose the bounding box with the largest pcp_{c} value
    3. Discard any remaining boxes with an iou value 0.5\ge 0.5
  • Anchor boxes allow the yolo algorithm to detect multiple objects centered in one grid cell
  • We do this by assigning an additional dimension to the output labels
  • This dimension refers to the number of anchor boxes per grid cell
  • Meaning, we create another hyperparameter representing the pre-defined number of anchor boxes per cell



Introducing Object Detection

Face Recognition