POS Tagging and NER

Describing Part-of-Speech Tagging

  • Part-of-Speeach (or POS) tagging is used for determining whether or not a given word belongs to part-of-speech (or some grammatical group)
  • Specifically, POS tagging typically refers to determining whether a word is a noun, verb, adjective, etc.
  • For example, the sentance Manchester United is looking to sign Harry Kane for $90 million dollars could return the following using POS tagging
Word POS
Manchester PRON
United ADJ
looking VERB
sign VERB
Harry PRON
for PREP
90 NUM
million NUM
dollars NOUN
  • We can see that POS tagging determines our results by taking in the context of the entire sentance
  • Therefore, POS is more of a global problem, since there can be relationships between the first and last word of a sentance

Describing Named Entity Recognition

  • Named Entity Recognition (or NER) is used for determining whether or not a given word belongs to a named entity
  • Named entities refer to people, locations, organizations, time expressions, etc.
  • Specifically, NER tagging typically refers to determining whether a word is in some general group
  • For example, the sentance Manchester United is looking to sign Harry Kane for $90 million dollars could return the following using NER:
Phrase NE
Manchester United ORG
Harry Kane PERSON
$90 million dollars MONEY
  • This problem can be broken down into the following steps:

    • Detect of names (i.e. distinguish between two different words Manchester and United versus one word Manchester United)
    • Classify names into the corresponding categories (i.e. need to manually determine which words belong to which category beforehand)
  • Therefore, NER is more of a local problem, since we only really need to look at surrounding words when recognizing a named entity

Applications of NER Systems

  • Customer service
  • Search engine efficiency

    • Web scrapes millions of web sites
    • Using NER to extract and store these entities
    • These tags are compared to the search tags
  • Recommendation engines

    • Using NER to extract tags from your history
    • Compare these tags to tags of interest
  • Automatic trading

    • Web scraping for information about publicly traded companies
    • Using NER to extract text about the CEO of each company
    • Performing sentiment analysis on the text about CEOs

Named Entity Recognition with LSTM

  1. Initialize a dictionary of entities:

    • This involves assigning entity classes with a unique number
    • For example, a filler may be 00, a personal name may be 11, a geographical location may be 22, and a time indicator may be 33
  2. Load in the data:

    • Suppose each observation is a tweet
  3. Preprocess tweets:

    • Maybe convert uppercase to lowercase
    • Maybe remove symbols
    • Maybe remove numbers
    • Maybe remove stop words
    • Maybe remove usernames
  4. Build a vocabulary:

    • Parse each tweet by adding unique words to the vocabulary
    • Again, preprocess the tweet before building a vocabulary
    • The vocabulary is built on training data
    • There are many broad vocabularies already built for us
    • These pre-built vocabularies may work for our specific use-case
    • However, we may be more interested in building our own if our project requires a more individualized vocabulary
  5. Convert preprocessed tweets to tensors:

    • After preprocessing data, we tokenize tweets into tensors
    • These tensors may have padding based on the length of the longest tweet within the batch
    • Usually, the tensor values are hashes of each word's index in the vocabulary
    • The following tweet maps to a tensor:
    i flew to boston last monday[362,89,103,4406,12,908]\text{i flew to boston last monday} \to [362, 89, 103, 4406, 12, 908]
  6. Build supervised model with embedding layer:

    • A typical NER system includes an initial word embedding layer

      • An embedding layer is a trainable layer with weights
      • Embedding layers are commonly used to map discrete vectors representing an individual tweet to smaller vectors
      • The values in word embeddings usually represent some learned contextual value
      • These valuess become the weights in the embedding layer
    • The output value is a softmax value:

      • This predicts the probability a word is associated with each of the KK number of classes
      • The KK number of classes is 44:

        • Filler
        • Personal name
        • Geographical location
        • Time indicator
  7. Train the model

    • Train the model using:

      • Optimizers like Adam
      • Batching techniques like bucketing
      • etc.
  8. Test the model

    • Using new data, predict the probabilities of a word in a sentence being associated to each class

General Implementation of NER

# 1. Initialize a dictionary of entities
entities = {
	0: 'filler',
	1: 'personal name',
	2: 'geographical location',
	3: 'time indicator'

# 2. Split data into training set
train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = load_tweets()

# 3. Preprocess data
train_x, test_x = preprocess_tweets()

# 4. Create Vocabulary
vocab = {'__PAD__': 0, '__</e>__': 1, '__UNK__': 2}
for tweet in train_x:
	processed_tweet = process_tweet(tweet)
	for word in processed_tweet:
		if word not in vocab:
			vocab[word] = len(vocab)

# 5a. Initialize tokenizer for tweets
data_pipeline = trax.data.Serial(
	trax.data.Tokenize(vocab_file='en_8k.subword', keys=[0]),
	trax.data.FilterByLength(max_length=30, length_keys=[0]),

# 5b. Tokenize and batch tweets, then output as generator
streamed_batches = data_pipeline(tweets)

# 6. Initialize model
model = tl.Serial(
    tl.Embedding(vocab_size=8192, d_feature=256),
    tl.LSTM(),        # LSTM cell
    tl.Dense(2),      # Classify 2 classes
    tl.LogSoftmax()   # Produce log-probabilities

# 7a. Initialize training task
train_task = training.TrainTask(

# 7b. Initialize evaluation task
eval_task = training.EvalTask(
    metrics=[tl.WeightedCategoryCrossEntropy(), tl.WeightedCategoryAccuracy()],
    n_eval_batches=20  # For less variance in eval numbers

# 7c. Prepare training loop and saving checkpoints to output_dir
training_loop = training.Loop(

# 7d. Run 2000 steps (batches)

# 8. Predict sentiment on test data
example_input = next(eval_batches_stream)[0][0]
example_input_str = trax.data.detokenize(example_input, vocab_file='en_8k.subword')
sentiment_log_probs = model(example_input[None, :])  # Add batch dimension
print(f'example input_str: {example_input_str}')
print(f'Model returned sentiment probabilities: {np.exp(sentiment_log_probs)}')



Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Sentiment Analysis