Sentiment Analysis

Motivating Sentiment Analysis

  • Let's say we're interested in classifying tweets as either positive or negative
  • To do this, the following types of models work well:

    • Probabilistic Models

      • Logisitic Regression
      • Naive Bayes
    • Sequence Models

      • Recurrent Neural Network
  • Sentiment analysis typically involves the following steps:

    1. Feature preprocessing
    2. Building a vocabulary
    3. Modeling sentiment based on given words

Defining Pre-Modeling Steps

  • Before defining any typical models used in sentiment analysis, we'll define the steps that are necessary in the setup
  • Specifically, we'll dive into the details for each of the following:

    1. Feature preprocessing
    2. Building a vocabulary

Step 1: Feature Preprocessing

  • The first step in sentiment analysis is feature preprocessing
  • This needs to be done in both the training and testing data
  • The most important preprocessing rules include:

    • Removing stop words
    • Formatting uppercase words as lowercase words
    • Removing punctuation
    • Handling URLs
  • We should be careful, since the above formatting changes can also remove a degree of context, such as the following:

    • Removing punctuation can remove a degree of context

      • Emoticons
      • URLs
    • Removing words can remove a degree of context for neighboring words

      • not good
      • do not want
    • Ignoring word order can remove a degree of context

      • I am happy because I did not go
      • I am not happy because I did go
    • Adversial attacks

      • Sarcasm
      • Irony
      • Euphemisms

Step 2: Building a Vocabulary

  • The next step in sentiment analysis is building a vocabulary
  • Meaning, we create a unique set of words from our training data
  • For example, say we have three tweets in our training dataset:
t1=I am happyt2=Twitter makes me happyt3=She is sadt_{1} = \text{I am happy} t_{2} = \text{Twitter makes me happy} t_{3} = \text{She is sad}
  • Then, our vocabulary becomes the following:
V=[I, am, happy, Twitter, makes, me, She, is, sad]V = \text{[I, am, happy, Twitter, makes, me, She, is, sad]}

Step 3: Modeling

  • The last step in sentiment analysis is feature extraction
  • As stated previously, we have a few options for modeling sentiment:

    • Logisitic Regression
    • Probabilistic Modeling: Naive Bayes
    • Sequence Modeling: Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Typically, logistic regression has the following properties:

    • None of the context of an input sequence is captured
    • Training is relatively fast
  • Typically, naive bayes has the following properties:

    • Only some of the context of an input sequence is captured
    • Training is much slower
  • Typically, RNNs have the following properties:

    • The entire context of an input sequence is captured
    • Training is the slowest

Sentiment Analysis using Logistic Regression

  • One way of building a model for sentiment classification is to create an individual parameter for each variable in our vocabulary
  • The following model reflects this approach for t1t_{1}:
y^=x1θ1+x2θ2+...+xnθn\hat{y} = x_{1} \theta_{1} + x_{2} \theta_{2} + ... + x_{n} \theta_{n}
  • Where the variables represent the following:

    • x1x_{1} is a binary value, where x1=1x_{1}=1 if I is included in the tweet
    • θ1\theta_{1} is a weight for x1x_{1}
  • This approach has many flaws, since there are too many hyperparameters to learn
  • Also, the data will become extremely sparse, indicating we should try a different approach
  • Specifically, a more computationally efficient approach involves creating a model with only two hyperparameters:
y^=x1θ1+x2θ2\hat{y} = x_{1} \theta_{1} + x_{2} \theta_{2}
  • Where the variables represent the following:

    • x1x_{1} is a whole number equaling the frequency of this word appearing in positive tweets
    • x2x_{2} is a whole number equaling the frequency of this word appearing in negative tweets

General Implementation using Logistic Regression

# Format tweets by removing stop words, punctuation, etc.
clean_tweets = format_tweets(tweets)

# Build vocabulary on training data
vocab = build_vocab(clean_tweets)

# Build dictionary of frequencies
freqs = build_freqs(clean_tweets, vocab)

# Use logistic regression to classify sentiment
weights = train_log_reg(freqs, labels)

# Preprocess test data
clean_new_tweets = format_tweets(new_tweet)

# Test trained model
sentiment = test_model(clean_new_tweet, weights)

Sentiment Analysis using Naive Bayes

  1. Determine the size of our n-gram:

    • For this example, let's assign the size of our n-gram to be 22
Training Data=[x1,x2]\text{Training Data} = [x_{1}, x_{2}] x1=I am happy because I am learning NLPx_{1} = \text{I am happy because I am learning NLP} x2=I am sadx_{2} = \text{I am sad} size(ngram)=2\text{size(ngram)} = 2
  1. Determine the sentiment for each sequence of two words in our training dataset:
[y1,y2]=[1,0][y_{1}, y_{2}] = [1, 0]
  1. Calculate the frequencies of the n-grams in our training dataset:
wiw_{i} Positive Negative
i am 2 1
am happy 1 0
happy because 1 0
because i 1 0
am learning 1 0
learning nlp 1 0
am sad 0 1
  1. Convert the frequencies into conditional probabilities:
wiw_{i} p(wipos)p(w_{i} \vert pos) p(wineg)p(w_{i} \vert neg)
i am 27\frac{2}{7} 12\frac{1}{2}
am happy 17\frac{1}{7} 02\frac{0}{2}
happy because 17\frac{1}{7} 02\frac{0}{2}
because i 17\frac{1}{7} 02\frac{0}{2}
am learning 17\frac{1}{7} 02\frac{0}{2}
learning nlp 17\frac{1}{7} 02\frac{0}{2}
am sad 07\frac{0}{7} 12\frac{1}{2}
  1. Perform laplacian smoothing to avoid 00\frac{0}{0}:
wiw_{i} p(wipos)p(w_{i} \vert \text{pos}) p(wineg)p(w_{i} \vert \text{neg})
i am 2+17+7\frac{2+1}{7+7} 1+12+7\frac{1+1}{2+7}
am happy 1+17+7\frac{1+1}{7+7} 0+12+7\frac{0+1}{2+7}
happy because 1+17+7\frac{1+1}{7+7} 0+12+7\frac{0+1}{2+7}
because i 1+17+7\frac{1+1}{7+7} 0+12+7\frac{0+1}{2+7}
am learning 1+17+7\frac{1+1}{7+7} 0+12+7\frac{0+1}{2+7}
learning nlp 1+17+7\frac{1+1}{7+7} 0+12+7\frac{0+1}{2+7}
am sad 0+17+7\frac{0+1}{7+7} 1+12+7\frac{1+1}{2+7}
  1. Compute naive bayes for testing any new sentance:

    • Note, new n-grams are simply excluded from the calculation
x3=I am happy todayx_{3} = \text{I am happy today} i=1mp(wipos)p(wineg)=31429×21419=1.24\prod^{m}_{i=1} \frac{p(w_{i} \vert \text{pos})}{p(w_{i} \vert \text{neg})} = \frac{\frac{3}{14}}{\frac{2}{9}} \times \frac{\frac{2}{14}}{\frac{1}{9}} = 1.24
  1. Calculate the log likelihood of the final output with a prior term:

    • Note, the prior term refers to p(pos)p(neg)\frac{p(\text{pos})}{p(\text{neg})}
    • This will improve the computation performance
    • Specifically, taking the products of many decimals runs the risk of observing underflow
    • Meaning, a certain decimal may not fit into memory
log(p(pos)p(neg))+i=1mlog(p(wipos)p(wineg))=log(7929)+log(31429)+log(21419)=0.63\log(\frac{p(\text{pos})}{p(\text{neg})}) + \sum^{m}_{i=1} \log(\frac{p(w_{i} \vert \text{pos})}{p(w_{i} \vert \text{neg})}) = \log(\frac{\frac{7}{9}}{\frac{2}{9}}) + \log(\frac{\frac{3}{14}}{\frac{2}{9}}) + \log(\frac{\frac{2}{14}}{\frac{1}{9}}) = 0.63
  1. Classify a given sentance by multiplying the probabilities of words found within the sentance:
0.63>0    This sentance has a positive sentiment0.63 > 0 \implies \text{This sentance has a positive sentiment}
  1. Make sure the dataset is balanced

    • Meaning, the log of the prior term should equal 00
    • In this example, our dataset isn't well-balanced
log(p(pos)p(neg))=log(7929)=0.540\log(\frac{p(\text{pos})}{p(\text{neg})}) = \log(\frac{\frac{7}{9}}{\frac{2}{9}}) = 0.54 \not = 0

General Implementation of Naive Bayes

# Format tweets by removing stop words, punctuation, etc.
clean_tweets = format_tweets(tweets)

# Build vocabulary on training data
vocab = build_vocab(clean_tweets)

# Build dictionary of frequencies
freqs = build_freqs(clean_tweets, vocab)

# Apply laplacian smoothing to avoid 0s
smooth_freqs = lap_smooth(freqs)

# See if dataset is balanced
log_prior(smooth_freqs) == 0

# Use naive bayes to classify sentiment
weights = train_nb(smooth_freqs, labels)

# Preprocess test data
clean_new_tweets = format_tweets(new_tweet)

# Test trained model
sentiment = test_model(clean_new_tweet, weights)

Sentiment Analysis using Recurrent Neural Networks

  1. Load in the data:

    • Let's say we have 50005000 positive tweets and 50005000 negative tweets
    • Suppose our training set contains 80%80 \% of the total tweets and our test set contains 20%20 \% of the total tweets
    • We need to make sure the positive and negative tweets are evenly distributed across both training and test sets
  2. Preprocess tweets

    • Maybe convert uppercase to lowercase
    • Maybe remove symbols
    • Maybe remove numbers
    • Maybe remove stop words
    • Maybe remove usernames
  3. Build a vocabulary:

    • Parse each tweet by adding unique words to the vocabulary
    • Again, preprocess the tweet before building a vocabulary
    • The vocabulary is built on training data
    • There are many broad vocabularies already built for us
    • These pre-built vocabularies may work for our specific use-case
    • However, we may be more interested in building our own if our project requires a more individualized vocabulary
  4. Convert preprocessed tweets to tensors:

    • After preprocessing data, we tokenize tweets into tensors
    • These tensors may have padding based on the length of the longest tweet within the batch
    • Usually, the tensor values are hashes of each word's index in the vocabulary
  5. Build supervised model with embedding layer

    • A typical sentiment analysis model includes an initial word embedding layer

      • An embedding layer is a trainable layer with weights
      • Embedding layers are commonly used to map discrete vectors representing an individual tweet to smaller vectors
      • The values in word embeddings usually represent some learned contextual value
      • These valuess become the weights in the embedding layer
    • The output value can be:

      • A binary value representing positive or negative sentiment
      • A decimal between 00 and 11 representing the probability of positive sentiment
    • The output layer could be a sigmoid or softmax layer
  6. Train the model

    • Train the model using:

      • Optimizers like Adam
      • Batching techniques like bucketing
      • etc.
  7. Test the model

    • Predict sentiments using new data

General Implementation of Sentiment Analysis

# 1a. Load the data
pos_tweets, neg_tweets = load_tweets()

# 1b. Split data into training set
train_pos = pos_tweets[:4000]
train_neg = neg_tweets[:4000]
train_x = train_pos + train_neg 

# 1c. Split data into test set
test_pos = pos_tweets[4000:]
test_neg = neg_tweets[4000:]
test_x  = test_pos + test_neg

# 1d. Create labels for training and test sets
train_y = np.append(np.ones(len(train_pos)), np.zeros(len(train_neg)))
test_y  = np.append(np.ones(len(test_pos)), np.zeros(len(test_neg)))

# 2. Preprocess data
train_x, test_x = preprocess_tweets()

# 3. Create Vocabulary
vocab = {'__PAD__': 0, '__</e>__': 1, '__UNK__': 2}
for tweet in train_x:
	processed_tweet = process_tweet(tweet)
	for word in processed_tweet:
		if word not in vocab:
			vocab[word] = len(vocab)

# 4a. Initialize tokenizer for tweets
data_pipeline ='en_8k.subword', keys=[0]),,, length_keys=[0]),[5,10,30],batch_sizes=[1,5,10],length_keys=[0]),

# 4b. Tokenize and batch tweets, then output as generator
streamed_batches = data_pipeline(tweets)

# 5. Initialize model
model = tl.Serial(
    tl.Embedding(vocab_size=8192, d_feature=256),
    tl.Mean(axis=1),  # Average on axis 1 (length of sentence)
    tl.Dense(2),      # Classify 2 classes
    tl.LogSoftmax()   # Produce log-probabilities

# 6a. Initialize training task
train_task = training.TrainTask(

# 6b. Initialize evaluation task
eval_task = training.EvalTask(
    metrics=[tl.WeightedCategoryCrossEntropy(), tl.WeightedCategoryAccuracy()],
    n_eval_batches=20  # For less variance in eval numbers

# 6c. Prepare training loop and saving checkpoints to output_dir
training_loop = training.Loop(

# 6d. Run 2000 steps (batches)

# 7. Predict sentiment on test data
example_input = next(eval_batches_stream)[0][0]
example_input_str =, vocab_file='en_8k.subword')
sentiment_log_probs = model(example_input[None, :])  # Add batch dimension
print(f'example input_str: {example_input_str}')
print(f'Model returned sentiment probabilities: {np.exp(sentiment_log_probs)}')



POS Tagging and NER

Duplicate Checking