Special Methods
- Iterables and Iterators
- Generators
- itertools.count
- itertools.cycle
- itertools.repeat
- itertools.accumulate
- itertools.chain
- itertools.compress
- itertools.dropwhile
- itertools.filterfalse
- itertools.groupby
- itertools.islice
- itertools.starmap
- itertools.takewhile
- itertools.tee
- itertools.zip_longest
- itertools.product
- itertools.permutations
- itertools.combinations
Classes and Objects
Socket Programming
- Web Apps and Services
- Web Servers
- HTTP Methods
- Basics of Networking
- The selectors Module
- Basics of socket API
- socket.create_connection
- socket.create_server
- socket.getaddrinfo
- socket.getfqdn
- socket.gethostbyname
- socket.gethostbyaddr
- socket.getservbyname
- socket.getservbyport
- socket.accept
- socket.bind
- socket.connect
- socket.getnameinfo
- socket.gethostname
- socket.getsockname
- socket.getpeername
- socket.getsockopt
- socket.listen
- socket.makefile
- socket.recv
- socket.recvfrom
- socket.send
- socket.sendall
- socket.sendto
- Echo Server
- Echo Client
Thread Management
- Threads and Processes
- Hyperthreading
- Units of Computation
- Multithreading
- Multithreading Scenarios
- Parallelism
- Compilers and Interpreters
- The GIL
- CPU and I/O Bound
- threading.Thread
- t.start
- t.run
- t.join
- t.is_alive
- Thread Properties
- threading.Timer
- Race Conditions and Deadlocks
- threading.Lock
- threading.RLock
- threading.Semaphore
- threading.Event
- threading.Condition
- threading.Queue
- ThreadPoolExecutor